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28.6.53, cont.  Lawers, Glen, MP., afternoon, cont.

Dacnusa eros  1♂︎, ant 40;  1♀︎, ant 37
D. hera  ♀︎, ant. 30.
Coelinius n. sp. Sligo  ♀︎, ant. 28.
Aphidius spp. 4.  1♀︎, ant. 18 mtd. cf. A. ulmi M.
Monoctonus sp.  ♂︎, not mtd.
Proctos.  17, including 1♀︎ Belytid with curious abd.
Disogmus sp.  ♂︎ mounted.
Chalcids  5: none mtd.

29th June 1953. 

After a misty night and early morning, a blazing hot day with E. breeze after 10 AM.  Nevertheless, Daisy & I walked up the Lawers Burn & had lunch at 1.15 at head of Lochan-nan-Cat.  After lunch went up cliffs W. of the Lochan & below Craig an Fhighthich [[Creag-an-Fhithich]] (Raven's Rock!) & turning S. went down onto boggy shelf to collect Sandwith's "Mysterious Sedge" which I discovered here last July with R.D. Meikle:  found it, ♂︎ & ♀︎, in quantity (with much Juncus triglumis, a little J. biglumis, much Carex saxatilis & C. [[strikethrough]] demissa [[/strikethrough]] = lapidocarpa montana form fide Nelmes!, &c.  Gave specimens the following day to Grant Roger & Duncan Poore (Coshieville) who both agreed it was not dioica!!  Also sent 


29.6.53, cont.  Ben Lawers, MP., cont.

a good series of both sexes to N.Y. Sandwith at Kew.

Finally came home over the summit of Ben Lawers seeing Sagina nivalis & S. saginoides at the cairn & Sax. cernua in the usual places S.E. of the summit, the latter this year bearing odd flowers - one at top of each spike - as reported by Grant Roger a few days earlier.  Saw also all the usual plants Erigeron, Veronica saxatilis, Chrysosplenium alternifolium (on Craig-na-Fhithich as in 1951).

On wet scarp above lunch place, & below An Stuic, collected a robust sedge of C. flava group, which may be lapidocarpa var. scotica of Dr. Elizabeth Davies.  (Yes! fide Nelmes!!)  

Andrena tarsata:  a great colony at ca. 1,500 above left bank of the Lawers Burn at 11 AM:  1♂︎ taken:  this where the ♀︎ Oil Beetle (Meloc) seen in 1952!

30th June 1953.

A similar day to last - misty in early morning with blazing sun all day afterwards, but E. wind much stronger.  Driven by Grant Roger to Rannoch Moor, via Coshieville, Kinloch Rannoch & the Black Wood of Rannoch to Rannoch Ry. Station:  then went for 1/4 mile across moor S.W. of level crossing to a swampy pool - nearly filled up - where Scheuchzeria grew abundantly & also Carex limosa, C. filiformis, C. rostrata, C. goodenowii, Drosera anglica, &c., while further on near a small clean lochan plenty of C. paunciflora.

Transcription Notes:
Sections missing. Reopened 26 Jan 2021 2. Completed @kd