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2.7.53, cont. Kenmore, MP., cont.

Taken at 3.  Marsh below old river scarp!  4.0-4.15 P.M.
[10 mtd. from 3 & these labelled Oct. 1953]

Polyblastid?  black, same as at Lawers!  3 = Monoblastus erythropygus  3♂︎♂︎ pinned.
Stenomacrus cf. sylvaticus  ♂︎, ant. 26, but radius curved!
Phaenocarpa notabilis  1 giant ♂︎, ant. 52, several taken by M.G.
Aspilota sp. near micacea or fuscescens  ♀︎, ant. 17.
Dacnusa bellina?  1♂︎, ant. 25, dark at base.
D. pubescens  ♂︎: not mtd.
Proctos  2 including Disogmus cf. nigripennis Thomson but antennae reddish for at least basal half;  Nixon says scarcely paler at base!  AWS.
Chalcids  4: one mtd. = 
Bombus agrorum  ☿:  very fulvous var.!  Pinned!

3rd July 1953. 

Mainly dull & cooler, with mist on hills up to midday.  Daisy, I & Duncan Poore (of Coshieville) went by 9.35 bus to Edramucky where car from Killin met us & drove us up the Glen Lyon road to the hydro-electric works.  From there we walked west along the new road for about a mile & then struck NW. across valley S. of Cam Chreag, passing on the way the swampy hollow where on 7.52 I found Kobresia caricina - alt. 2,400 ft. & again found it in plenty, with Vaccinium uliginosum & Rubus chamaemorus in the peaty bog of the valley below.


3.7.53, cont.  Cam Chreag & Beinn-an-Eachan

Next worked scarps & cliffs just N. of the Kobresia on E. side of the ridge running S. from Cam Chreag where a very rich flora including much Carex rupestris, Sax. nivalis, Veronica saxatilis & best of all Duncan Poore found several clumps of Gentiana nivalis — almost 6 inches in height with 5 flowers on a grassy patch about middle of the cliff facing SE or S.  Cam Chreag is the original British station for this Gentian.  Getting onto the ridge we started left & made for the gap of the Fin Larig between Cam Chreag & seeing Phleum alpinum & Equisetum variagatum on the way & on to west where had lunch at 1 o'clock.  Then returned our steps to the gully where in 1952 I had found Carex grahami & found it in full flower & a wonderfully beautiful sight, with its fat female spikelets & stigmas arranged in vertical rows like the ciliae of the marine Beroë [[image]].  Next went up to top of Beinn-an-Eachan & down N. side where Duncan Poore soon discovedred another fine patch of Carex grahami & we saw one spike of Juncus castaneus.  We also saw on both N. & S. sides of B. an Eachan quantities of Carex curta, Juncus biglumis & Sandwith's new sedge = dioica var. AWS. 1955, i.e. ? C. [[strikethrough]] parallela [[/strikethrough]].  Myosotis alpestris seen S. of the gap of Fin Larig;  Saussurea alpina & Equisetum variegatum (the latter turned down last year by R.D. Meikle but refound close to my locality by Poore today!)