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9th July 1953.  A cool day with showers, as on 8th, & with strong NW. wind & some sun bursts.

Took 10:30 AM (alone) bus from Lawers to Acher, 1 1/4 miles N. of Fearnon & walked up a burn to crags overlooking the road & some higher crags not visible from road & so on to Lochan Creag a Mhaddagh (alt. ca. 1900 ft.)  Eat lunch at 1 P.M. during shower at the Lochan & then walked W. on a long slant up Gleann da Ghob & joined the burm 1 1/4 mile W. of the Lochan & +/- followed it till I reached a series of rock scarps facing E along northern spur of Meall Gruaigh (or Greigh);  worked N. along scarps & rivulet until reached a col leading to E. slope of the Yellow Corrie at ca. 2,700 ft. where had afternoon tea behind boulder — wind very strong over the col from NW.  Dropped down into Yellow Corrie to examine a "flush" (full of Carex microglochin!) & worked S. up it to its source;  crossed a boggy area with pools & found a large flat depression with acres of bare ground to N. then deep peat (being eroded) & finally against N. slope of Meall Gruaidh a large flat area of Carex rostrata, C. saxatilis, C. goodenowii, C. stellaris, &c. & with wind behind me walked up the ridge to the summit of Meall Gruaidh & home to Lavern via the gully draining into the Lawers Burm at about 1,400 ft.


9th July 53, cont.  Glean da Ghob, Yellow Corrie & Meall Gruaidh cont.

By the burn & on sky-line from Fearnan road found a cont. patch of the N. Zealand plant Epilobim pedunculare in full flower & on the higher scarps SW. of same Carex rupestris in fair quantity, Asplenium viride & A. triomaines, Oak & Beech Fern & more commoner plants.  In Lochan Creag a Mhaddagh saw Littorella, Nuphar pumila, Potomageton natans, & a grass (Glyciria?), Carex rostrata & in swampy areas at W. end of it Carex rostrata, curta, goodenowii & echinata, Menzanthes, &c. 

In Gleann da Ghob crossed many rills from S. & gathered some Carex [[strikethrough]] goodenowii [[/strikethrough]] dioica?;  Arctostaphylos uva-ursi on sides of gorge at ca. 2,100 ft. (this also widespread on rocky crags E. of the Lochan!) & at ca. 2,200 found a large area in which Lycopodium annotinum was abundant & just coming into fruit.  Next went up to the scarp at 2,500 ft. & found Salix lapponum & some other nice plants, but the flora very poor compared to Ben Lawers area;  also in micaceous bog & flushes found Carex [[strikethrough]] paralella? [[/strikethrough]] sandwithi in several places before crossing the watershed into the Yellow Corrie.  In Yellow Corrie found Carex microglochin abundant & in perfect condition at about 2,600 ft. with a small Juncus (articulatus)