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9.7.53, cont.  Yellow Corrie & Meall Gruaidh, cont.

Carex [[strikethrough]] parallela [[/strikethrough]] dioica var ? in many places, Carex saxatilis, &c. (but saw no sign of C. atrofusca, Kobresia, or Sedum villosum).  In ascending N. ridge of Meall Gruaidh saw little of interest & much bare ground, but one area very rich in Potentilla sibbaldii.  Descending to the Lawers Burn via the gully saw the usual plants including Salix lapponum & S. nigrecans & on the lowest scarp of all Carex vaginata which this year had only two flower spikes but otherwise seemed quite healthy.  Took one of the spikes for Mr. Colville.

Around the Lochan Creag a Mhaddagh saw several small blue dragonflies that looked like Agrions.  A fresh Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly seen near Lochan.

10th July '53. 

After a beautiful early morning, drizzle & rain set in about 9 AM., therefore decided to take 10.30 bus to Fearnan & walk to Comrie Bridge (Mr. Colville, Daisy & I).  Saw all the plants previously noted on this walk & collected insects by sweeping Cow Parsnip flower-head just west & again 1/2 mile E. of N end of Kenmore Bridge. 
Saw the following sedges by the road:-  Carex remota,

10.7.53, cont.  Fearman - Comrie Bridge cont.

Carex glauca, panicea, stellulata, pairaei, sylvatica, demissa, goodenowii, ovalis;  Hieracium pulmonarioides & aurantiacum, (aliens, near Kenmore bridge), Cnicus heterophyllus (by R. Lyon above Comrie Bridge), Clinopodium officinale, Hypericum [[strikethrough]] perportus [[/strikethrough]] hirsutum, [[strikethrough]] quadlangatus [[/strikethrough]] tetrapterum & pulchrum, Galium cruciatum, Solanum dulcamara (Mr. Colville, E. of Kenmore bridge),

Insects swept off Cow Parsnip flower head!

1.  Roadside W. of Kenmore bridge, after rain had ceased.
2.  Roadside E. of Kenmore.

[NB.  Most just labelled "Kenmore: 10.7.53"]

Taken at 1.  

Almost the entire contents consisted of the black Polyblastid-like Ick taken at Lawers on various occasions - ♂︎ & ♀︎ - which occured just after the rain ceased in countless hundreds - probably thousands - of varying sizes - some of the smallest being ♀︎♀︎ = Monoblastus [[strikethrough]] erythropygus [[/strikethrough]] palustris var. fide J.F.P.  46 (♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎) pinned.
Cryptinids  2♂︎♂︎, 3♀︎♀︎ = Stylocryptus (Glyphicaemus) profligator  2♂︎♂︎, 3♀︎♀︎ pinned!
Yellow & black Tryphonid with horn = T. elongator!  One pinned.
Trioxys heraclei Hal.  ♀︎, ant. 11.
Aphidius crepidis Hal.  2♀︎♀︎: ant. 13, bred from stung aphids (24.7.53) on a specimen of Hieracium palmonarioides growing near N. end of Kenmore Bridge & dried under mattress of bed!
Chalcid  1: not mtd.

See also stataion 2 on next page ->