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10.7.53, cont.  Kenmore district, cont.

Taken at 2. 

The black Polyblastid-like Ick again in hundreds (Monoblastus erythropygus?) but only nine taken:  see p. 150.  = Monoblastus palustris var. according to J.F. Perkins! AWS.  
Cryptinids  10:  see page 150, antea!
Meniscus catenator  ♀︎ - pinned
Lissonota bellator  ♂︎: pinned
Homocidus ♂︎ of pictus group, cf. small, dark, ♂︎ of punctipleura miki!
Tryphonid with double horn 5 = Coeloconus brachycanthus  4 pinned
Mesoleid  1 slender ♂︎ = Gen. et sp.?
Campoplegid  ♂︎: not mtd.
Ascogaster brevicornis W.  2♀︎♀︎, ant. both 23.
Aspilota sciurella m.  ♀︎, ant. 20;  a very nice example!
Dacnusa ampliator 5♂︎♂︎ ant. 20, 21(2) & 22(2);  6♀︎♀︎ ant. 14(1), 15(1) & 16(4).  All on Heraclium!
Proctos.  2 } none mtd.
Chalcid  1 } none mtd.
Cynipids  2 } none mtd.

11th July 1953. 

A fine morning but a depression with SE. wind arrived at 1 PM with drizzle & heavy rain later & during night.  Mr. Colville, D. Laidlew Junr, Daisy & I went by 9.35 bus to Glen Lochay Hotel where met by car which drove us up Glen Lochay as far as Tullich Farm.

11.7.53, cont.  Glen Lochay & Meall Ghaordie, MP., cont.

From Tullich ascended S. slope of Meall Ghaordie, where had lunch in shelter of crags as rain overtook us, later went N. to mouth of corrie E. of summit, round head of valley & round W., E. & SE. sides of ridge 3/4 mile NE. of Meall Ghaordie & back to car at 5.15 & so home.  Very poor alpine flora on the crags & scarps we examined.  In marsh just above Tullich farm found patches of Rhyncospora alba & further up Carex pauciflora (alt. 750 & 1,000 to 1,750 ft. respectively).  Nothing further of interest seen till we began to reach the rocky ground of ca. 2,700 ft. where Cornus suecica seen in fruit & two plants of Cryptogramma crispa seen (under a large boulder).

Trollius, Saxifraga aizoides, S. stellaris (in abundance seen) & one patch of S. nivalis, Hieracia, Potentilla crantzii, Salix herbaceae & S. reticulata, Sedum rosea, Carex rigida, C. capillaris, Azalea procumbens (on ridge on watershed), Carex saxatilis (abundant "in flushes", &c. on higher ground), Carex ? parallela (in flushes ca. 2700 ft.) & a small sedge in flush on the col - most of which later given to Mr. Lousley who thought it might be a new Arctic species & to whom I gave most of it:  it was picked as burnt up C. "parallela" but nevertheless looked very distinct.  Lousley to let me have p.c. next Wed. or Thursday, q.v.);  Saussurea alpina