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13.7.53 cont.  Beinn-an-Eachan & Cam Craig, cont.

Very nice Carex curta seen just NE of the pass & Juncus biglumis, very dwarf, in flush nearby.

On reaching the cliffs SE. of summit of Cam Creag soon came on very rich flora with Potentilla crantzii, Salex reticulata & herbacea (also one bush seen high up cliff which looked like Salix lapponum & just E. & S. of the pass Mr. Colville found a small prostate bush of Salix arbuscula);  Veronica saxatilis in fruit, Draba rupestris in fruit & flower, D. incana, Woodsia alpina in several places & about a dozen plants in one spot, on the cliffs facing E., south-east of summit.  

14th July 1953. 

A damp windless morning after a wet night with mist on hills down to 1,000 ft. or often less.  No wind.

In forenoon Daisy & I took bus to Fearnan, where on shore of Loch Tay I collected specimens (I saw many) of the newly added to British List of plants - the supposed Scandinavian species Carex pulchella.  It grows on the foreshore between summer & winter levels of the loch & looks like C. serotina, with small turgid utricles & very short beak — a very neat little "flava" ecotype.


14.7.53, cont.

In afternoon took bus to Coshieville & spent the afternoon with the Poores - father & Duncan - the son:  looking at a few of the very beautiful colour-photos of Scottish plants taken by the latter & at the equally beautiful collection of Lepidoptera of the former, though the collection is valueless from a scientific point of view because the specimens carry no data whatever.

As no rain at Lawers in afternoon & wind had got up and +/- dried the vegetation, went out after dinner at about 7.40 P.M. to sweep the lane, but as I did so misty rain descended from Ben Lawers & after a couple of sweeps I had to abandon the attempt.  

Four Braconids were taken, however, near the top of the lane & old school house, as follows:-

Bracon fulvipes  2♀︎♀︎, with very transverse heads & projecting eyes [[image]];  ant. both 33.
Chelonus  ♀︎, ant. 16;  dark wings, annulated legs, &c.
Apanteles  1♂︎.