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18.7.53, cont.  Ben Lawers, MP., cont.

During hot sun in W. corrie at 2.30 P.M. a Deer Bot Fly (Cephenemyia rufibarbis) lit on my hand & was captured & on summit of Ben Lawers I caught a small beetle, which is, I think, the same species as that taken on summit of Meall Garbh on 16th July.  Although the mountain Ringlet (epiphron) was in full flight on our arrival in Perthshire on 26th June a fair number of specimens are still to be seen on the wing.  Several other beetles also taken at or very near the summit including Byrrhus pilula (in the "crater"), & 2 Notiophilus spp.  On outward journey at about 2,250 ft. found a single bush of Salix nigricans, ♀︎, overhanging one of the tributaries of the burn that drains the S. slope of Ben Lawers between Meall Odhar & the Corrie Burn: sent specimen to Mr Martin

19th July 1953. Sunday. 

Light drizzle all forenoon with strong W. wind & white-horses on Loch Tay; wind dying away after 6 P.M.

From 2 till 3.30 swept here & there in lane to loch & along track to Lawers Burn & in the lower part of Lawers Glen (wood) = 1.

After supper swept the upper part of the glen by the tributary to Lawers Burn, 7. til 8.30 PM.  = 2.


19.7.53, cont.  Lawers, MP.

Insects taken at 1. 
[ 50 mtd. from 1 & these labelled nov. 18th 1953.]

Athalia lineolata  ♂︎  
Nematine  ♀︎ bright green & black during life =
Andrena saundersella  2♀︎♀︎ on Heracleum flowers.
Crabro varius  ♂︎. 
Passaloecus  "monilicovnis", black labrum!  ♀︎.
Pemphredon schuckardi  ♀︎. 
Mellinus arvensis  ♂︎.
Anteon sp.  ♀︎
Ichneumon suspiciosus?  ♂︎. (pinned)
Barichneumon locutir (= albicinctus)  ♂︎, ant. 29, var. with anus blackish!
Cryptinids: about 15, Hemiteles, Phygadeuon, Atractodes, Stilpnus, Glyphicnemus profligator, &;, but only five mtd.
= Hemiteles gracilis group:  ♀︎, ant. 20.
H. areator group:  ♀︎, ant. 21.
Pezomachus sp.  ♂︎, ant. 25.
Stilpnus sp.  ♀︎, red abd., pale base to ant. (17-seg.).
Cryptus??  ♂︎, ant. 29 =
Pimpla maculator  ♀︎, not mtd. 
Lissonota bellator  2♀︎♀︎ not mtd. 
Lissonota clypealis  ♀︎, ant. 30.
Mesoleius sp.  ♂︎ black scutellum, ant. 35.
M. sp.  ♀︎(?), pale scitellum, ant. 38.