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21st July 1953. 

After rather a poor start, a very nice day, with no rain after a shower at 10.30 AM & 6 P.M. when heavy rain fell for an hour.  Grant Roger, Waterston, Daisy & I left hotel at 9.40 in a car hired from Fearnan & drove to Invervar in Glen Lyon & ascended hills N. of same, as on 8th July.  Reached cliffs on E. face of Carn Gorm - 2,500 to 2,700 feet alt., at 12.30 noon, & went up to the highest, southern, scarps where saw great sheets of Salix reticulata;  also S. lapponum, S. myrsinites, Dryas octopetala, Sax. nivalis, &c.
Had lunch below lower series of cliffs at 1 P.M. where Salix myrsinites in great plenty & took a small plant of same to grow.  Did not today visit the lowest scarp where bush of Salix arbuscula seen on 8th, but saw all the other plants, including a great show of Carex rupestris in one place, & Dryas, &c.  After lunch worked northwards along the whole range, seeing many nice plants including:- Carex atrata, C. vaginata, Saussurea, Juncus trifidus (seen by Grant Roger on top of one scarp), Arabis hirsuta (a single seedling!).  Went round N. shoulder of cliffs at about 2,800 ft. & into the


21.7.53, cont.

rather flattish corrie intending to get on to the ridge at its head where Carex rariflora said to have been taken by Wallace, the Bryologist, fide Duncan Poore, but time did not permit this.  At ca. 3,000 feet came on a large "flush" full of the Sandwith's sedge (of all sizes), Juncus biglumis in quantity, J. triglumis, &c., but could see no trace of Carex microglochin, though the locality seemed an appropriate one for it.

Went up to a nice dripping scarp on E. slope of the ridge, where saw some nice plants but nothing new & then returned via the bed of the corrie, past the big cliff facing S., where Erigeron seen on 8th & the Salix myrsinites on N. end of these cliffs, to the burn & so back to Invervar at 5 PM. where met by car & driven to Lawers Hotel, arriving at 5.30.  Grant Roger returned to Edinburgh by 6 P.M. bus from Lawers to Killin.  Waterston collected Sawflies & Homoptera about Invervar & the glen as high as 2,000 ft., but did not come up to the cliffs with us.  His catch included a nice ♀︎ Arge, taken on Heracleum.  Waterston also took an ick on flowers of Narthecium at 1,750 ft., in Altinvervar, which runs to Tryphon incertus Brischke & fits description of the ♀︎ fairly well: ant. 32.