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6th August 1953. 

A very hot humid day.  In afternoon drove to Tinnode (Daisy, I & Len Williams) & walked up to Cupidstown Hill in Co. KD.  Tried to sweep in plantation at ca. 1,100 ft. alt. just on KD side of boundary, but grass very wet after heavy dew.  Only a few insects swept as follows:-

Plantation S.E. of Cupidstown Hill, Co KD.

Cratichneumon cf. fabricator  ♂︎.
Phaeogenes fulvitarsis  ♀︎.
Cryptinids 3 = Phygadeuon sp.  ♀︎, ant. 19.
Pezomachus sp.  ♀︎, small, ant. 19.
Eusterynx divulgata  ♂︎, ant. 19.
Ophion cf. luteus, small ♀︎ (pinned!)
Pimpla brevicornis  ♀︎.
Mesochorus temporalis?  ♀︎, ant. 43.
Campoplegid  very small ♂︎ = Dioctes? sp. ant. 25.
Sawfly = Ametastigia equiseti  ♂︎
Apanteles falcatus  ♀︎.
Crabro vagus, small ♀︎.
Proctos.  3.
Dipteron = Conops quadrifasciata?

The road covered with winged ants.  Those examined were Myrmica ruginodis.

7th August 1953. 

Hazy, with sea-mist, warm, mainly dull & with very strong, southerly wind on coast. 

Left home at about 11.15 AM. (Daisy, I, & Len Williams) & drove to Newcastle Station on The Murrough, Co. WI.  In forenoon walked N. to the Breaches & in afternoon S. to Five Mile Point.  Tried sweeping in both areas but virtually nothing to be got in the Braconid line, although vegetation seemed suitable.  Left for home at 5.50 & home at 6.45, via Enniskerry the car now being 27 1/2 years old.


7.8.53, cont. The Murrough, N & S of Newcastle St., Co. WI.

Sawflies 2.  Selandria  ♂︎.  Pteronidea myosotidis?
Cryptus viduatus  ♀︎ & 4 other Cryptines
Lissonota bellator  ♂︎ & ♀︎.
Glypta monocera?  ♀︎
Meloboris sp. common in marsh & 4 other Campoplegids
Bracon fulvipes 9 (♂︎ & ♀︎) in marsh & 3 other Bracons.
Chelonus intermedius Th. frequent on Wild Carrot, &c.
Apanteles falcatus 4 (♂︎ & ♀︎) & 2 other spp.
Aspilota concinna  1♀︎, ant. 18.
Dacnusa areolaris?  3
Dacnusa fasciata miki  ♀︎, beautiful specimen, almost certainly swept in drain parallel to railway, S. of station.  29-seg. ant., terebra 1/3 abd., 3-dentate mandibles, & reddish tergite 3, &c.
Proctos.  3.
Chalcid  1
Weevil  1 = 
Diptera 2.  Oxytelus uliginosus  1♂︎, 1♀︎
Hemipteron:  black = 
Moth:  [[strikethrough]] Small [[/strikethrough]] Least Brood - bordered Yellow underwing! = E. interjecta, I think!  AWS.
Grasshopper:  Chorthippus bicolor fide Len W.