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26.9.53, cont.  Manor Kilbride, WI., cont.

Taken at 3. [lumped with those from 2] 

Atractodes red, abd: See "(2)" 
Aspilota sp. near sylvatica but head more transverse & propodeum +/- smooth.  ♀︎, ant. 21  See "(2)
Dacnusa gilvipes  ♂︎ not mtd.
D. laevipectus  2♀︎♀︎: not mtd.
Proctos  2: not mtd.

7th Sept. 1953.

After a very wet night a fine day & no rain till 6 P.M.  Picked up by E.S.A. Baynes at Terenure at 10.30 A.M. who wanted larvae of the moth piniaria to breed & drove first to Hollywood Glen where after an hour's beating of a dripping Pinus sylvestris he procured only one larva.  From the larva came an ick which spun its cocoon on the net cover of box & this ick emerged on 2nd April 1954 = Campoplex angustatus Th. ♂︎ ant. 40.

After lunch when leaving the glen by branch outlet of channel he stopped to beat several old Pines on roadside & found two clusters of sawfly larvae - presumably those of Lophorus pini:  these brought home to breed out!

He also found a specimen of the Stink Horn fungus so encased with blue bottle flies that only the white cap & base of stalk of the fungus were visible.


28th Sept. 1953.

A find day, but chilly W. wind, much sun, some clouds, but no rain will shower at 5.30 P.M.  MONDAY.

In afternoon drove, Daisy & I, to the Phoenix Park & collected in two areas, for a short period in each.

1 = Under trees along boundary wall W. of lower part of the Furry Glen, Co. DU.  3.0 till 3.20 P.M.
2 = Under trees along W. boundary wall of the Park between Knockmaroon & White's Gates.  3.30-4.0 P.M.

Phoenix Park, Co. DU.

Insects taken at 1.
[15 mounted from 1 & these labelled 20.10.53.]

Herpestomus nasutus W.  ♀︎, reddish abdomen.  Ant. 27.
Cryptinids 8 - 2 only mtd., including Hemiteles apertus 2♂︎♂︎, H. cf. gracilis ♀︎.
Atractodes black sp.;  Leptocryptus sp. ♀︎, ant. 25.
Stilpnus gagates ♂︎ & Phygadeuon sp. ♀︎, ant. 19.
Stenomacrus ochripes?  ♀︎, var. with areolet!  Ant. 24.
Aperileptus sp.  ♀︎, small, ant. 18.
Ademon sp.  see next page ->
Blacus ruficornis  ♀︎: not mtd.
Opius parvulus W.  ♀︎, ant. 21.
Pentapleura angustula  ♀︎
Phaenocarpa conspurcator  ♀︎, with very narrow tergite 1.  Ant. broken.
Phaenocarpa picinervis  2♂︎♂︎, one mtd. has very distinct, clear, neuration.  Ant. 30.
Aspilota dentifemur  ♂︎, ant. 22, neuration very strong!
A. fuscicornis  ♂︎: not mtd.
A. (Synaldis) funiculicornis  ♀︎, ant. 18.