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26th - 30th Nov. 1953.

The first three days were quite dull, foggy, with rain at night, but not cold.  29th was, mainly with rather strong S.W. wind & we took 54 bus to Crumlin Cross & walked via Walkinstown, Green Hills, Tymon Castle & home by 11.45 AM. bus from Firhouse.  Examined the early Hazel (over the stream) 1/4 mile N. of Tymon Castle & found the first female flower just showing the tips of the red stigmas, but one could hardly call this "out".  Male catkins much larger than a fortnight ago.  NB. On 26th posted 55 sheets of sedges collected in mid Perth last July to Nelmer, at Kew. 

Strong wind in forenoon & some sunny burst, but mainly dull in afternoon.  Mild.

1st December 1953.

A lovely day, but strong S.W. wind in afternoon & falling glass.  In forenoon I rode on bike to "Greenroyd" in Butterfield Avenue, Rathfarnham, & there examined the Arbutus for about 10 to 15 minutes all told but saw no Bumble Bee.  I did, however, see wasps & 1 thinkk 2♀︎♀︎ wasps, fly over the tree & plenty of ☿☿ at ivy in various places.  Also saw what looked like a honey bee at the Arbutus flowers.  In afternoon Daisy & I took bus to Rathfarnham & went straight to the Arbutus & after a few minutes I spotted a ♀︎ Bombus lucorum on its flowers high up on the tree.  We watched it for some minutes & were clearly able to see its color; it was rather a small ♀︎ & I am inclined to believe it was 


1.12 '53 cont.

the one I saw on 25th Nov.  Having satisfied ourselves we walked on via Csgrave's to Firhouse & home in the 2.50 bus for Firhouse.  Mild out of the wind, but this very strong in Butterfield Avenue & district! 

2nd and 3rd Dec. '53. 

Very mild, warm, & with almost continuous rain or drizzle for 48 hours, on approach of a cold front which arrived about 4 P.M. on afternoon of 3rd. 

The early  bush of Mediterranean Heath in back garden with some flowers fully open on 3rd.

4th Dec.
Dull & very damp & cold in forenoon.

5th to 9th Dec.

Contining mild, but mainly very damp, with wet mist & little sunshine.  On 8th saw Honey Bees busy at Ivy blossom at Larch Hill, on 9th saw Snowdrops in flower at old mill at Cheeverstown (W. of Templeogue Bridge) & wasps at Firhouse, but no Bumble Bees seen at the Arbutus since 1st Dec. & this almost without flowers by now.  One Crocus in our front garden showing a yellow nose & flower buds now visible on Sax. apiculata & Sax. oppositifolia.  Many summer flowers still out in gardens & some filled with roses in good bloom. 

10th-15th Dec.

Very damp, mild, often drizzling, but 14th was a very bright sunny day & S-SW. wind.  In forenoon rode twice past the Arbutus in Butterfield Avenue but saw no sign of Bumble Bees.