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1st to 7th Feb 1954. 

Cold with some snow, but Dublin escaped what fell in the South of England & S. of Ireland;  thaw on 4th-5th, then very hard frost on night of 5th, then much sun on 6th, then gale & rain on night of the 6th;  then lovely sunny forenoon on 7th, but cold wind from W. on which day we took the "55" (10.0 AM) bus to Walkinstown & walked via Tymon Castle & Firhouse back to Charleville Ho. & so home by 11:45 bus.  Crocuses (yellow) now general & on 7th N. of Tymon Castle saw one flower spike of Lamium galeobdolon with a flower open, though flattened & damaged by the snow.  Also oen flower spike (open) on Arctostophylos uva-ursi bought home from Doo Lough (?Muilrea area) Est Mayo in April 1910 when F. Balfour Browne & I were engaged is the "Clare Isand Survey" & staying at Louisburgh. 

These flowers of course "freaks" caused by the mild weather in January.  At 3:30pm on 7th steady rain came on & it got dark.

8th Feb 1954. 

After very heavy rain during night, a fine day with SW-W. breeze in forenoon & E. breeze in afternoon, much warm sun.  In afternoon walked to Dartry, up Dodder to Orwell Bridge & home via Rathgar.  In road off Highfield Road saw a small almond tree with flowers well open (very early!) & by left bank of Dodder 50 yards below Orwell Bridge saw many flowers on Coltsfoot & crown of Butterbur appearing.


10th Feb. 1954.
Mild after heavy rain at night.  The first Purple Crocus in flower in front garden.

11th Feb.

First flower on Miss Odlum's blue Scilla in front garden & a small Almond tree in Grosvenor Road quite covered with flowers, some of which must have been out for a least a week.

12th to 18th Feb.

Mainly mild & dull, with rain at times, but turning cold, with east wind, some drizzle & low clouds on 17th - hardly any light all day!  Leaves of Chionodoxa & blue Anemone in front garden showing on 16th.  George & his fiancée arrived for week-end, the latter Margaret Dodds by name, whom we had only seen once for a brief visit in Nov. '53 & before the engagement was officially announced!

19th-25th Feb.

Mainly showers & bright sun but cold winds - quite hot at times, with frost one night & very heavy ran & wind on several nights - especially on night of the 24th-25th.  Sax. oppositifolia (from Binevenagh) in front garden in flower on 23rd & the small Snowdon form also in flower in back garden on 24th.  Chionodoxa in front garden with one flower on 24th also & a White Hyacinth in back garden at foot of birch tree just out in flower.

25th-28th Feb.

Cold with some snow on high ground - rain mostly in Dublin;  some sunny intervals.