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7th April 1954.

A lovely sunny forenoon, but afternoon quite dull, with strong cold S.W. wind as "trough" approaches from West.  In afternoon drove to Judy's Pinch in Slade of Saggart & walked across country to moor N.E. of Mount Seskin, 1,150 ft., & back by lane to car. 

9th April.

The third dry day in succession!  Much hot sun in forenoon, but mainly dull in afternoon, chilly S.W. wind. 

In afternoon drove via Bohernabreena up W. side of Glenasmole to head of the waterworks where left car & crossed the Malaxis bog & went up the slope of Glassavullaun to the top of the rock-scree ca. 1200 ft. then S. to the Slade Brook & so back to car.  Looked once more for the Hymenophyllum but saw none.  Collected a few mosses & hepatics for Miss Thomson.  Home 5.10 PM. 

In garden Carex montana in flower, C. pulicaris (in pot) from Carn Gorm, Glen Lyon, 1953, with several spikes showing;  fronds on Osmunda 9 inches high, first White Mossy Saxifrage in front garden out.  Bombus lucorum seen at Flowering Currant. 

10th April.
A nice day, with much hot sun, S.W. cool breeze. 

11th April.

Dull, with mist on hills, very mild, gentle southerly breeze.  First day of summertime!  In forenoon drove to Aufarrol [[Aghfarrell]], between Brittas & Ballinascorney, where left car.  Walked along the road past Talbotstown Ho. towards Kilbride military camp for nearly a mile & then cut across pasture fields to S.W. 


[11.4. 54, cont.] 

angle of Forestry conifer plantation;  & went up slope of Butter Mt. for 1/4 mile, where saw several ♂︎ Dolerus of which one caught & examined & as exspected proved to be D. aeneus.  Then back to car & home at 1.45 P.M. (S.T.)

On roadside E. of Brittas saw Viola lutea already in flower!  In back garden at 10.30 AM. saw a beautiful ♀︎ Bombus terrestris.  In front garden Viola reichenbachiana in flower.  Sea Pink from Brandon Mt., S. Kerry, in flower in back garden. 

13th April 1954.

A fine day, with cloud & sun & cool W. breeze (as was yesterday!)  In afternoon drove to Larch Hill where left car & walked up lane on E. slope of Tibraden as far as top gate & then cut up slope parallel to E. fence of Forestry conifer plantation till we reached the unplanted moor.  Then back to car.  One Bombus lucorum ♀︎ & one Tortoiseshell Butterfly seen, as well as a large green Noctuid caterpillar sitting conspicuously on a brown, dead, Bracken stern!! 

In lane saw white Viola odorata & Viola reichenbachiana & Oxalis acetosella in flower, as well as lots of Barren Strawberry & a few flowers on real Strawberry (Fragaria).  In front garden Draba hirta in flower. 

14th April 1954.
- For Golden Hill see 15th April ->

A dry day with N.W. wind;  mainly dull & cool.  In afternoon drove to Cloghleague in Upper Liffey Valley & walked up the old track N. of the glen to top of Forestry conifer plantation & back by S. side to car.  Collected a few mosses including Bartramia (? permiformis) for Miss Thomson.