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13.5.54, cont.  Taken at 1, cont.  Bohernabreena, DU., cont.

Dacnusa areolaris, laevipectus & maculipes, 9 all told.
Trioxys cf. betulae, ♀︎, ant. 11.
T. probably also betuale, 3♂︎♂︎, ant. all 13.

Aphidius spp. 7 (♂︎ & ♀︎). }
Proctos.  10 all minute }
Chalcids  9. }
Cynipids  2 very minute }
Beetles  2 }
Hemipteron  }
} None mtd.

Glenasmole, Co. DU.
Taken at 2.

Microcryptus alutaceus Th.?  ♂︎, ant. 24:  ♂︎, white face:  the only Ick!
Pentapleura pumilio  1 small ♂︎, very dark legs!  Not mtd.
Aspilota  very large ♂︎, ant. 22.  This must be either a ♂︎ efoveolata Thoms., with very small spiracles on propodeum or a closely allied new species!  Cf. ♀︎ from Glending, WI., 16.9.53!  AWS. 30.11.65.
A. (S.) concolor  ♂︎: not mtd.
Dacnusa areolaris group  14: not mtd.

Monoctonus caricis  2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎, pale abdomen! }
Aphidius spp.  4. }
Proctos  3. }
Chalcids  3. }
} None mtd.

Coccinelid 1 = black with two red spots!
Dragonfly  1st seen this year:  teneral & no doubt! Pyrrosoma [[Pyrrhosoma]] nymphala


14th May 1954.

Another beautiful day, but wind strong NE. in forenoon & NW. in afternoon, cooler than 13th but sun very hot & almost continuous.  In forenoon called on E.S.A. Baynes (Merrion Square) & received 3♀︎♀︎ Macrocentrus bred from bored Salix branches containing larvae of Sesia formiciformis which he had gathered by the Coomhole River, NE. of Glengarriff, W. Cork at Easter time.  He had already given me 6♂︎♂︎ & 1♀︎ during the previous fortnight & 2♀︎♀︎ in 1953 bred from the same host.  Today he also gave me a ♀︎ Sawfly whose larva had evidently pupated in one of the bored Salix twigs.

In the afternoon Daisy & I drove to Manor Kilbride Co. WI. & walked up through the old wood to summit of Dowry & on coming down again I swept in the triangular plantation for half an hour, but found little to sweep except along roadside margin of the old quarry at S.W. corner.  Most insects swept here, but a few swept off the beech trees just coming into leaf.

Manor Kilbride, WI., 4.45-5.20 P.M.

Andrena cineraria  ♂︎♂︎ common in bare spot in wood 100 yards above road on W. slope of Dowry.
A. albicans  ♀︎ seen on Dowry.
Andrena fucata, ♂︎, swept in quarry.
Bombus pratorum  ♀︎ almost certainly seen at close quarters on Vaccinium flowers above wood & near summit of Dowry.