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18th May 1954. A dull, cold, forenoon; followed by a bright entirely sunny afternoon with cool, pleasant, NW. breeze.
In afternoon, Daisy & I drove to Larch Hill & walked up the Loreen on N.E. side of Tibradden & then to the summit of Tibadden & back to car. Swept a few insects by roadside out side Major Guinness's at "Thibradden House" & took a very few flying over the heather & Vaccinium on the mountain at 1400 - 1500 feet = 1 & 2 respectively 
Roadside at Tibradden House, Co. DU. 3 P.M Hemiteles cf. ♂: not mtd. Apantches cf pallipes ♂: not mtd.
Euphorus pallipes ♂, ant. 26. Aphidius ff. 4 ♂♂
Procto 1 = Conostigmas Chalcid 1: not mtd.
1,400 to 1,500 ft., Tibradden Mt., Co. DU
Dolerus aeneus abundant. [D. nigratus 1 ♂ at ca. 1200 ft.]
Andrena Lapponica several ♀♀ at Vaccinium: none kept
Limonota cf. vicina Hohngs? ♂, by cairn on summit, ant. 40: abd ± reddish.
Agrypon 3 = A. flariolatum var. red marked mesonotum, 3 ♂♂, ant. 34, 35, 36, the last much larger than first two!
19th May. Mainly dull, with chilly N-NW wind, after almost port at night. In afternoon Daisy, J.P. Brunker & I drove to Judy's Lunch & walked across Verschoyles Hill to Mt Serkin and thence to NW angle of the conifer plantation pr Knocknavea, alt. ca. 1200 ft. & then back to car via the lane from Mt. Serkin road. 

19.5.54, cont. Swept a few insects coming down the lane & these labelled Verschoyles Hill, Co. DU. 4-30 - 5.0 P.M. 
Lane on N. slope of Verschoyles Hill, DU. alt 700 - 800 ft. 
Hemitele cf small ♂ dark Cys, ant. 23. 
Chorinalus Lalpa Hal. ♀, ant 19. 
Cierostigeus cf. recticande? ♂ ant. 27.
Campoplegid ♂ off Sycamore  = angitia areoleus? ♂, ant. 39. 
Opius ceris Wen.? ♂, ant. 22
Orthostigma cratospila? ♂, ant. 24. 
Dacnusa Caenpectu? ♀ & D maeulipus ♀ & D. apherta ♀ none mtd. 
D. temula ♂, ant? 26. 
Aphiduis ♂; not mtd. Procta 1 minute = Scelionid! = 
22nd May 1954 (Saturday) Daisy & I left home in car about 10.40 A.M. & drove via Ashford, Drumdangan & Garry duff townroads, to the top of the Clara oakwood arriving there at 12 noon. Worked our way down the wood - now nearly destroyed & replanted with Conifers - but fortunately a little left near the road. The flat by the river & the beautiful "osmunda glade" now drained, burnt & planted with spruce The huge clump of Osmunda regalia - once the pride of the spot - now blackened stumps from which a few sprouts of fresh fronds project & I am glad to say a few young plants here & there