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22-5-54, cont.  Clara, WI., cont.

Taken at 1, cont.

Dacnusa areolaris & laevipectus:  ♂︎ & ♀︎ of former: 2♀︎♀︎  of latter, not mtd.
Dyscritulus planiceps  ♂︎, ant. 26.  
Proctos. 3: 2 mtd. = a minute Scelionid, ant. bitten off = Teleas? & Cryptoserphus aculeator ♂︎.
Chalcids  6: not mtd.
Cynipids  7, not mtd.
Diptera  4: only 1 mtd.=
Beetles 2: not mtd. 

Taken at 2 (2.0 till 4.30 PM.)  

Dryinid ♂︎♂︎ 3 = Anteon sp. 2 smaller ♂︎♂︎ &  A. sp. 1 larger ♂︎.  
Cryptinids 4 = Hemiteles sp. ♂︎, ant. 22. 
H. sp.  ♀︎, ant 22.
Phygadeuonid  ♂︎, red abd. ant. 25 =
Phygadeuonid  ♂︎, ant. 23 (some taken at 1) =
Exochus decoratus  ♂︎, ant. 28. ♂︎♀︎
Exochinid of Gen. et sp.n. (♂︎?) ant. 33, - has complete notauli meeting in punctured space!  Also a ♀︎ (small) taken at Clara, WI on 3.6.1932: it is pinned & has 28 seg. antennae! AWS. 1965.  cf. with speciman taken at Athdown, WI. on (1) 11.9.1949.
Picrostigeus recticauda  ♀︎, ant. 29;  also a larger ♂︎ of apparently same species, ant. 28 with incomplete areolet in right wing.
Stenomacrus ventralis  2♀︎♀︎: not mtd. 
St. ridibundus, ♀︎, ant. 24.
Promethes cognatus  ♂︎, ant 24;  ♀︎ ant. 25. 
Gen et. sp.?  1♀︎ 
Campoplegid ♂︎ = Angitia? ♂︎ ant. 28.  
Plectiscids 2 = Aperileptus albipalpis or obliquus?  2♀︎♀︎, small, ant. 20; larger, ant. 21.


22.5.54 (2) cont.  Clara, WI, cont.

Bracon crassiceps Thomson, ♀, ant 31.  ? same species as hylobii Ratz. which O'Mahony bred from cocoons under bark in St. Annes, Dublin & A.M. Gwynn bred at Fernborough Lab. & I have 4♀︎♀︎ in coll. AWS.  Fits description almost perfectly! & in all critical ways!! New to Brit. Isles, I believe. AWS. 9/12/1965
B. communis, miki.  ♂︎, ant. 30.
B. osculator?  ♂︎, ant. 28: very like a small communis, but wings not dark!
Bathystomus: vernalis miki, ♀︎, ant. only 25-seg. - a small example!
Rogas:  a ♂︎ & a ♀︎ of the circumscriptus complex!  ♂︎ ant. 41; ♀︎ ant. 38, the latter has pale legs & dark abdoman, the ♂︎ has fuscous hind femora. 
Ascogaster consobrina (?♂︎), ant. 33
Apantites fraternus?  ♂︎.
Aspilota fuscescens, var. nigrescens?  ♂︎, ant. 24 & A. tumida ♀︎, ant. 19.
Dacnusa areoloris  6 (♂︎ & ♀︎).  
Aphidius sp.  2♂︎♂︎. 
Proctos. 7: 3 mtd. = Disogmus basalis Thom. ♂︎ with no trace of notauli whatever!
Cryptoserpheus aculeator  ♂︎.  
Cryptoserphrus laricis Hal.? large ♂︎.    
Chalcids  9.
Cynipid: 1 very minute =
Beetles 3 (? off Carex paniculata) =

22.5.54 cont. 
Before starting out in the morning I looked in my sawfly pot in motor house & found a fine ♂︎ Cimbex femorata had emerged.  This must have come from larva taken on birch at Ballinascorney Ho. Co. DU. on 12th Aug. 1953.

25th May.
Took a ♀︎ Hemiteles sp. on window in dining room, 14 Clareville Rd, at 1.30 P.M.