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26th May 1954. 

Milder than of late, but mainly dull & drizzly all day with very strong SE.S. wind - almost half a gale.  In afternoon bought eggs & went on to Tinode in car to get shelter in lane along N. boundary of estate.  Here perfect shelter & dry & warm, with thousands of Primroses & Violets still in full flower on bank facing N.  Swept the sheltered bank & the overhanging beech, hawthorn, &c.  Millions of Diptera & a fair number of hymenoptera & other insects - many no doubt blown off the trees in the shelter belt into the sunken lane.  Filled two suckers, but as these from same area the contents not kept separate.
Tinode (lane to Kilteel), Co. WI.  3:30-5:30 PM

Nomada  ♀︎ (♂︎ seen).
Dolerus picipes  ♀︎. 
D. aeneus  ♀︎
D. haematodes  ♂︎.
Other sawflies:  Monophadnus pallescens  ♀︎.  
Empria pumila  ♂︎.
Priophorus brullei (= tener!)? 1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎, I think this species, but ??  AWS. 1965. 

Diptera:  Black & red daddy long legs, ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ on old Beech stump in lane = Dictenidia bimaculata may be its name but ??
Also another Tipulid ♀︎ = 


26.5.54 cont. Tinode, WI., cont.
Cryptinids 9 - mostly Phygadeuon or Hemiteles  ♂︎♂︎: only (mtd.) = 
Exolytus? (or Atractodes)  ♂︎, ant. 26 =
Pimpla maculator  ♀︎ & 3♂︎♂︎ = P. brevicornis? ant. 21; brown stigma!
P. detrita?  v. elongate abd., ant. 22. 
P. sp.?  a minute ♂︎, with dark legs; 2.7mm. long; probably a minute brevicornis.
Glypta  2♀︎♀︎ = G. cf. pictipes, but tergites matt! & not shining!  Ant. 35 & 37.
Phytodiaetus gelitorius Thumberg.  ♀︎, ant. 34 (= coryphaeus & possibly only & var. of segmentator?).
Orthocentrus frontator  ♂︎, ant. 28.
Stenomacrus merula, 7♂︎♂︎, ant. 26(1), 27(3), 28(2), 29(1).
St. callidulus  ♀︎, ant. 24.
Homocidus pectoratorius  ♂︎ not mtd. 
Zootrephus sp.  ♀︎, ant. 20.
Campoplegids  3♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎: none mtd.
Plectiscids  4 = Helictes mediator ♂︎, ant.28. 
Proclitus mesoxanthus  ♂︎?  Ant. 22.
Aperileptus cf. albipalpis, ♂︎ & ♀︎, ant. both 20, ♀︎ hind tibiae "stalked" at base, ♂︎ not so!
Bracon striolatus?  ♂︎, ant. 30. 
Rogas circumscriptus  ♂︎, ant. 41, dark form.
Sigalphus aciculatus  2♀︎♀︎: no ♂︎♂︎!!!  Ant. both 27 [♂︎♂︎ usually common & ♀︎♀︎ very scarce! AWS.]
Apanteles lateralis?  ♂︎: not mtd.  
A cf. fulvipes  4: not mtd.
Microctonus cynthius  ♀︎, ant. 26. 
M. cultus?  ♀︎, ant. 23: a dark example!
Leiophron edentatus  ♀︎, ant. 26.
Opius stenops  ♀︎, ant. 24.
Alloea contracta  4 (♂︎ & ♀︎) all brachypterous:  only ♀︎ mtd., ant. 21.
Adelura flaviventris  2♂︎♂︎: only one mtd., ant. 28.
Phaenocarpa ruficeps  ♂︎ & ♀︎: neither mtd.
Ph. conspurcator  ♀︎: not mtd.