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16th June '54, cont.  Lynch Park, Co. DU.

Taken with sucker in lane at ca. 900 feet.

Bombus pratorum ☿ on Vicia sepium at 1,000 feet, see p.100 antea.
Bombus lucorum (♀︎) & agrorum (♀︎♀︎) also seen. 
Sawflies.  Tenthredo "arcuata", "mesomelas", & ♀︎ of nassata.
Pteronidea myosotidis √ ♂︎.
Pimpla maculator  small ♀︎, ant. 24.
Promethes cognatus ♂︎, ant. 24.
Homocidus tarsatorius  ♀︎: mtd. on its back!  Ant. 22.
Homocidus cinctus  3 dark ♀︎♀︎, ant. all 21:  1 mtd. on its side, 1 on face, & 1 on back.
♀︎Mesoleid?:  small ♂︎, superficially like Homocidus pictus, ant. 28, scutellum with 2 spots, &c.
Campoplegids 2 (1♂︎, 1♀︎) = Dioctes [[strikethrough]] exareolatus [[/strikethrough]] NO! - dark stigma!  ♂︎, ant. 26.
Angitia? sp.?  v. small ♂︎, ant. 24.
Bracon subligaris??  ♂︎, ant. 35, tergite 3 striate at base!
Apanteles callidus??  ♂︎.
Acoelius subfasciatus  ♂︎.
Procto. 1 = Belyta depressa ♂︎.

18th June.

While feeding snails knocked a small spider into box 1/4" in front of a 3/4", young, centipede, which immediately rushed at & seized it by a leg, but the spider escaped & ran away;  it was at once chased, caught & again seized by a leg, but again broke away (with or without the leg I don't know);  once more the centipede gave chase & quickly overhauled the spider & this time grabbed its body in its mandibles & quickly chewed it up.  The speed of the centipede was far greater than that of the little spider & it gave me the impression it was following the spider by sight.  The centipede was probably a juvenile Lithobius forficatus.

19th June.
Saw a ☿ Bombus pratorum in back garden getting pollen at flowers of Geranium ibericum this afternoon.



[21st June 1954.

Left Dublin by 11 AM. train, arrived Belfast at 1.15 P.M. & had lunch with George.  Caught 2.25 bus for Newcastle, Co. Down where we arrived about 4 PM. i.e. Daisy & I.  This was to permit us to attend George's wedding with Margaret Elizabeth Dodds of Ballyroney the following day.  After a cup of tea walked S. along coast for a mile or so & back for supper at 6.45 PM.

Joined by Mr. & Mrs. & Malcolm Dalgetty of Dublin who had also come for the wedding.  Weather poor & drizzly most of the day but cleared in evening & a fine night.

22nd June (Tuesday).

A beautiful morning & a lovely fine day with much hot sun, but showers in evening.

In forenoon, before attending the wedding at 12.30, Daisy & I walked up the right bank of Shimna River where very nice ground & where I caught (with my hand) or saw the following insects:-

Newcastle, Co. Down.
[5 mounted 8/9/54.]

Bombus pratorum  ☿ seen on roadside & watched for some time.
Hylaeus confusus  2♂︎♂︎ (1 taken!) on Crepis flowers
Athalia cordata by path along river:  2♂︎♂︎ taken
Nematine sawfly  ♂︎♂︎ common along path by river = Lygaeonematus laricis?  2♂︎♂︎

Wedding festivities lasted from 12.30 till 4 P.M.  Later drove to Eglantine Rectory with Daisy's brother Canon A.D. Mitchell & his wife & then went on to catch the Glasgow boat at Belfast.]