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28.6.54, (2), cont.  Blair Atholl, cont.

Proctos. 10: 4 Belytids mtd.
Chalcids 6 : none mtd. 

Found Carex capillaris growing on hillside near a small burn about 200 feet above river.

29th June 1953. 

Spent forenoon around Lairg, but did not collect insects & caught 1.45 P.M. bus for Bettyhill, where arrived about 6.15 P.M.  Rain most of the journey & very heavy during most of it.  Saw much evidence of the great storm which blew down so many trees in Scotland early in 1953 (?) - especially in the woods around Tongue.  

Collected a series of sedges in nice marshy ground & on shore of Loch Shin at Lairg in forenoon.

30th June 1954. 

Left Hotel Bettyhill about 10.15 & walked down to coast & N. to Creag Ruadh & round the point to Farr Bay & up the Claehan Burn for about half a mile to top of a gorge & then back to Bettyhill across the moors at 6:30 P.M.  Had lunch overlooking Farr Bay & afternoon tea in the gorge of the Clachan Burn.  Did a little sweeping between hotel & shore (= 1) & on dunes in Farr Bay, but high, cold, wind made collecting almost impossible all day, though we had no rain & considerable sun before & after the almost complete eclipse of the sun at 1.30 


30.6.54, cont.  Creag Ruadh & Farr Bay, &c. Bettyhill cont.

During the maximum eclipse the temperature dropped very much & the light poor & rather weird.  Thanks to light cloud we were able to see the eclipse well without smoked glasses.  It was very nearly total - the path of totality being across the Shetlands not far to the north.

We had not gone far to the north before coming on a rocky bluff with plenty of Oxytropis uralensis, whose lovely purple flowers are about the same shade as those of Orchis purpurella.  Some plants over & with almost ripe seed; others in bud.  On reaching the sand covered hill E. of Farr Bay found the bluff & almost the whole sward on summit composed of Dryas octopetala.  In a marsh by the Clachan Burn saw much Drosera anglica & some Pinguicula lusitanica & much nice Carex dioica with very fat, "prickly" spikelets.  

Took the following insects:- 
[22 mtd. from 1 & 2 & these labelled Feb. 1955.  All labelled "N.E. Bettyhill, SS."]
[N.B. "SS" = West or South Sutherland.]
At 1 = fields, &c, between hotel & shore).

Dryinids 2♂︎♂︎ =  
Sawflies.  Tenthredo atra ♀︎ 
Cryptinids   3♂︎♂︎  1 mtd. Gen. et sp.? white marked clypeus, &c., matt abd., black, ant. 27 =
[[strikethrough]] Pemphredon brevicornis ♂︎, ant. 24. [[/strikethrough]] 
Tryphon rutillator  ♂︎ pinned!
Bassus "tricinctus"  ♂︎: not mtd. 
Homocidus nigritarsis  ♂︎: not mtd.
Campoplegid 1: Angitia  ♂︎♀︎, ant. 30, - see propodeum [[image]] 
Apanteles pallidus?  ♂︎.
Opius cf. levis, a dark ♂︎, ant. 24. 
Phaenocarpa conspurcator  ♀︎: not mtd.
Dacnusa areolaris group 6 & 2 others = D. temula Hal. ♀︎, ant. 27.  D. elegantula ♀︎, ant 28.
Proctos. 2: not mtd. 
Coelinius sp. ♂︎ ant. 42 from 1 or 2?
Chalcids 7: 2 only mtd. =