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2.7.54, cont.  Creag Ruadh, W. of Bettyhill, cont.

several plants of an Epipactus [[Epipactis]] (Carex only) under the hazel scrub, as well as 3 plants in bed on the cliff on E. side of the promontory earlier in the day, where the blown sand & green Dryas-covered slopes meet & here the sand has been arrested by the burn flowing from a tarn on the moor.  

Asplenium adianthum-nigrum & A. trichomanes locally common on rocks.  Went down to sand dunes at head of Torrisdail ay & tried a little sweeping amongst the very wet Marram Grass & took a very few Hymenoptera.  On wet sand flat in the dunes found a [[strikethrough]] curious form [[/strikethrough]] of Galium [[strikethrough]] saxatile [[/strikethrough]] = palustre! growing at the moment in water where a small stream off the cliffs sank into the sandy flat;  & here also a small Euphrasia with purple flower & a seedling suggesting Sagina nodosa or a Spergularia but only the one seen.  Coming back on N. side, where the Primula scotica seen in bud & three plants taken for Mefwn Readlett & Woolman of Birmingham, at about over 200 feet above sea-level found a small area of wet sand covered with a small form of Carex incurva, surrounded by Sax. aizoides, Sax. oppositifolia & many other plants.  On return across the sands to Invernaver found a larger than usual form of C. incurva by the edge of the burn below the Dryas sward.  The Dryas here extends up the sand covered bluggs for a couple of hundred feet & is slipping down the sandy slope below in huge lumps, but quite alive.


2.7.54, cont.  Creag Ruadh, W. of Bettyhill, SS.

Swept off Marram grass in dunes at head of Torrisdail Bay.
[Only 9 insects mounted & these labelled [W. Bettyhill SS. AWS. 2.7.54]]

Thersilochid  ♀︎, ant. 25(?);  damaged.
Meloboris??  2♂︎♂︎, interesting looking:  ant. 35 & 36.
Dacnusa vitripennis m.  ♀︎(?), ant. 31?  possibly = D. merion Nixon!
Dryinid  ♂︎ = 
Ant.  Myrmica lobicornis ☿ swept;  about 1/2 mile N.W. of lace where two ☿☿ taken on 1st July.  No other Myrmica seen on either day.
Diptera  2 = 
Beetle:  Carabus with reddish bronzy colour all over.  1 spotted by Daisy on wet sandy area 100 feet above sea.

3rd July 1954.

A fine morning with SW breeze, but by noon a very cold NE-E wind came in off the sea & a jam formed & drip started at 1.30 & continued at intervals till late evening.  Glass still falling all day!  Left hotel about 10.15 AM & walked E. for a mile & then across base of the Farr promontory past the lochan lying between Crask & Swordly.  In this lochan is a large area of Carex filiformis, surrounded by a belt of C. rostrata, & quite impossible to reach.  We then proceeded along the eastern cliffs to near Farr Point where had lunch before the rain came on.  Magnificant scenery, but very poor flora,