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3.7.54, cont.  Farr Promontory, cont.

& nothing of real interest seen until we approached the sandy ground on the west side & near head of Farr Bay except on one outcrop of schist which was covered with Sax. oppositifolia & a few plants of Primula scotica in one spot.  As we approached the sandy area Oxytropis uralensis appeared & became more & more abundant & still with plenty of flowers.  We next crossed the strand & went along the cliffs on W. side of Arr Bay where we had seen Primula on 30th June but mistaken its rosettes for Samolus.  At & near a place where tins & other rubbish is being dumped over the cliff Primula scotica is abundant & two specimens taken to press though not even showing bud.  {These kept alive & grown!}

Saw many Bombus lucorum ♀︎♀︎ but no other hymenoptera & could not sweep all day, so no insects collected.

4th July 1954.

Heavy rain all forenoon with thunder.  After dinner weather cleared & we went down to Bettyhill pier & south along coast where a very interesting flora in places, both on the shore & on the sandy bluffs overlooking same.  On the shore took Carex extensa, a small species of the flava group,


4.7.54, cont.  Shore, &c., Bettyhill, cont.

C. goodenowii, Glaux, Schoenus nigricans in two forms - one about 5 to 7 inches high in masses below H.W.M. Srping tides (?) & the other a larger (? older) form in the usual tussocks at a slightly higher level.  Found Anagallis tenella on bank just above H.W.M.  [[margin]] The small form is Blysmus rufus! [[/margin]]  On the bluffs much scrub & often mainly composed of Populus tremula or Hazel & on the sandy bluffs much Oxytropis uralensis, as well as Rubus saxatilis (of all things!), Scabiosa arvensis, both Knapweeds, Draba incana (var.!) & many other interesting plants.

On a rocky islet just N. of the pier saw much Scilla verna in seed & I think Ligusticum scoticum & Elymus arenarius.

Failed to find any Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) in the district, but about 250 species seen since arrival on 29th.

Saw two ♀︎♀︎ Bombus lapidarius at flowers of Anthyllis & 1♀︎ Bombus derhamellus by roadside above pier.  Took Andrena coitana (?) ♀︎ on flower of Centaurea scabiosa - the first solitary bee seen in the district.