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5.7.54, cont.

After afternoon tea at the Parkhill Hotel, Durness, where we arrived about 3.30 P.M. we walked by road to Ballynakill Bay & back via sandhills & fields to the hotel. Saw two adult, & four fully fledged flying young, Buzzards on the cliffs at Seanachasteal on E. side of the Far-out promontory. Swept in marsh by burn at Balnakill House & in dunes & lane where took the following (= 3) - 28 insects mounted, but these not labelled till 10.9.1963.

Taken at 3. Ballinakill area, Durness 5.0-7.0 P.M.
Sawflies: a very green Tenthrida with all vivid green abdomen very common & flying in hot sun by roadside to Ball.ynakill & elsewhere apparently attached to  bracius arsesin and no persifle birch, or older near or in night: one female was chewing a Dipteron while on the net = T. olovecea 2   o->o->, 2o+o+, T arcuata group o+. 
Crypinidis 6=Phygaenoid o->, red abd., ant 24. Hemiteles sp o->, ant 20.
Atractodes sp o->, ant 21. A sp. o->, ant, 23 A. sp o+ ant. 19.
Enolytus? sp o->, ant, 24
Primethius dorsalis o+ ant 23 zulcator o+ ant. 25 and Caticarpus o->, ant 25
Carpoaoligids 8=nepicra cninna, 5o->o->, 3o+o+ant. ant 25
Dacnusa puitescous o-> ant. 25 & areolaris  O+ ant. 23
Chalcid ! =
Procto bysiphid 1=