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6.7.54 cont.  Balnakill area, Durness, SS. cont.

Coelinius brevicornis sp. n.  ♀︎, ant. 27; ♂︎, 39: cubical head, short ♂︎ ant. long, narrow, & +/- parallel-sided?]] tergite 1, small dark species.  In collection!
Aphidius constrictus (Nees) Hal.  2♂︎♂︎, ant. both 16.
Proctos (minute) 16: none mtd.
Chalcids  5: none mtd.
Cynipeds  2: none mtd.
Diptera  7: 3 only mtd. = Small Gadfly (Atylotus? sp.? AWS.13.9.1963.)
Stork fly =
Myopa buccata?
Hemiptera  4: none mtd.
Moth: not mtd.

Bumble Bees seen:  B. lucorum, muscorum, hortorum (1) & lapidarius: all ♀︎♀︎.
Butterflies seen: Meadow Brown, Common Blue ♂︎♂︎, Fritillary (with aglaia or "High Brown") 1♂︎.

7th July 1954 

A fine day with much very hot sun in forenoon but dull in afternoon when wind changed from NW to SW & increased from fresh to strong.  Left Parkhill Hotel, Durness, about 10.15 AM & went on to sands at Sango Bay (just E. of Durness) & walked along the E. side of the Far Out Promontory to Far Out Head & then W. to the low point at E. entrance to Ballymakill Bay which reached about 4 P.M.  Had afternoon tea 1/4 mile S. of this & walked 


7.7.54, cont.  Far Out Head, Durness, cont.

straight home to hotel where arrived about 6.20 P.M.  Collected by sweeping here & there nearly all the way out to the W. point but insects few - so far as the Parasitica are concerned, though minute things like Platygaster (?) common enough - except here & there in shelter.  Nothing especially interesting in the plants till we had turned W. from Knoc-nan-Sgliat [[Cnoc nan Sgliat]] (329 feet), but by a trickle over the cliffs near N. end of Sango Bay where a tufa is being formed saw a nice form of Carex lepidocarpa & the sand dunes are filled with purple or purplle & white Pansies (V. tricolor?) (in contradistinction to those in the dunes W. of Durness where 99 per cent are yellow & white) & a very pretty Forget-me-not grows all over the looser parts which look to me like M. sylvatica, but ?  After passing round Cnoc-nan-Sgiat & going W. along the top of the cliffs masses of Lychnis dioica were seen, a wee Frog Orchis found by Daisy, & on the last big cliff (1/4 mile perhaps E. of the W. point) quite a lot of Silene acaulis (some with a few odd flowers & many covered with seed capsules).  Cochlearia "greenlandica" & a minute Sagina (S. ) found on the shelves of the cliff-top & these two plants subsequently seen in quantity on the lower W. point where plantago-sward passing inland to a sedge-sward prevailed & one of the commonest plants was Carex serotina with C. panicea, C. flacca, & in wetter places C. goodenowii.