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10th July 1954. A fine morning & evening after rain at night but spoiled by several hours rain & mist where we were from 1.3 till nearly 4 PM. Left hotel in car at 10.30 & got dropped at Moine Lodge on road from Durness to Rhiconich. Walked across the moor to SE. towards N. end of the Foinaven range & found the going very heavy owing to the hundreds of swampy pools, as well as lochans, which could not be seen in advance & had to be avoided. Crossd a rocky ridge about 12-30 noon on which grew Salix herbaria, Arctostaphylos alpina & nearby A. uvaursi. Reached the base of the main cliffs below Ceann Garbh & had lunch about 1 PM. Soon found lots of Alchemilla alpina, Beech Fern, a little Thalictrum alpinum, Saussurea alpina & Saxifraga stellaris. Shortly after lunch mist gathered & rain commenced so that any hope we had of searching the higher cliffs vanished & we had to content ourselves with working E along the base of the N. cliff of Cearn Garbh where we found Cornus suecica in several places & in flower. Trollius, Saussurea, [[Ongriadigyna?]], Carex rigida, Juncus trifidus (very fine clumps on rock shelves); Thelictrum [[Thalictrum]] alpinus (rare), Alchemilla alpina (rarer than lower down!), Hieracia, Beech Fern, Empetrum sp?; Lycopodium alpinum (in great quantity locally); Junipera communis

The only insect noted during the day was a [[female]] Bombus jonellus near Moine Lodge at 6 PM. Saw a Fox on the moor.


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Full range in Lincoln

MR. P. BULL'S five-year-old. Orgoglio, has been allotted top-weight of 9st. 7lb. in the Lincolnshire Handicap, which will be run on Wednesday, March 24th. The handicapper has used the full range here, and Orgoglio is set to concede as much as 3st. to some of the entries.

Orgoglio is weighted 2lb. in front of Lord Rosebery's Fastnet Rock, who, with 9st. 5lb., has 5lb. more than he carried into second place in last year's race. 

Sailing Light, who was successful last year with 7st. 11lb., now has 9st. 3lb. The highest weighted of Major L.B. Holliday's three entrants is the five-year-old, Dumbarnie, winner of the Midland Cambridgeshire at Birmingham last November. Dumbarnie has been allotted 8st. 12lb., 4lb. more than his stable-companion, Netherwood, Neath, Major Holliday's other horse, has 8st. 1lb.

Chivalry, fifth in last year's "Lincoln," under 8st. 1lb., has gone up [[?]]lb., but Nahar, the only French trained entry, who started joint-favourite for last season's race, has gone down 2lb. to 8st. 


Caerlaverock, allotted 8st. 6lb. last year, when he did not run, now has 8st. 13lb. Caerlaerock finished third to Fastnet Rock in last season's Rosebery Stakes, and is closely handicapped with Lord Rosebery's horse on that running.

Lord Rosebery's other entrant, Swashbuckler, is favourably weighted with 8st. 8lb. Stormy Hour, also trained by Jack Jarvis, but owned by Lord Milford, has been given 8st. 11lb. 

Knock Hard, the winner of last year's Cheltenham Gold Cup, has never run over the Aintree obstacles and is unlikely to do so this year, as I gather his main objective will once again be the big Cheltenham prize. Actually Knock Hard has not run over fences since his Gold Cup triumph, but has had three races over hurdles and, as I have already stated, will next be seen in action in the Great Yorkshire Steeplechase at Doncaster next month, a race, incidentally, which he won last year.

M. V. O'Brien, Knock Hard's trainer, has other strings to his bow in the Grand National, among them being last year's victor, Early Mist, who has been allotted 12st., which is 12lb. more than he carried 12 months ago. Even with this heavy burden, however, he is by no means out of it, though Mont Tremblant, second to him in 1953, has now a nice pull in the weights.

Early Mist displayed his well-being at the Christmas fixture in Leopardstown, where he won in good style, although he probably had not a lot to do. Early Mist will next run in the Leopardstown Handicap Steeplechase to-morrow. 12lbs

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Transcription Notes:
Newspaper clipping is page 82. Used to transcribe a cutoff paragraph.