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16th July, 1954. 

A poor day, with falling glass & wind back to SW.  Drizzling in hills after 2 P.M. & heavy rain all evening after 5 PM.  Mr. Arnsby passing through from the North to his home in Essex drove Mr Colville & myself to within a mile of Loch-na-Lairige, from whence we cut up on a NW. slant towards Meall-an-Tarmachan & then across the ridge to S. face of Cam Creag.  On way up passed many nice scarps & saw many nice plants, but nothing remarkable & nothing new.  Had lunch in shelter at 1.15 just before crossing the ridge - about 1/2 mile S. of summit of Meall-an-Tarmachan.  Spent next 2 hours on S. & E. facing cliffs & gullies of Cam Creag where saw a fine show of Veronica saxatilis in full flower, as well as Sax. nivalis & Carex atrata, but the two last mainly in the angle where the S. & E. facing cliffs meet.  Did not see any Woodsia, but time did not permit us to work the cliffs worked last year on ––, where many plants of this fern seen.  Left cliffs at 3.50, after cup of tea in increasing drizzle & made a bee line for road between Edramucky & Morenish, which reached at 5.10, after crossing much bad ground of bog, marsh & long heather - the last in places filled with Listera cordata.  Collected (& posted on 17th) a few more plants wanted by Readett & Woolman of Birmingham.


17th July 1954.  

Drizzle off & on all day with glass still down.  Collected a few insects in the upper part of the lane to Lawers pier in afternoon with Marcus Graham before afternoon tea, but everything too wet to sweep except in shelter beneath a few ash trees.

Lane, Lawers, MP.

Cryptinids 2: not mtd.
Myriarthrus? cf. armulus ??: ♀︎ ant. 30: in coll. with ♂︎ from Hollybrook, Co. SL., 30.7.38.
Campoplegid  ♀︎: not mtd.
Clinocentrus cunctator Hal. ♀︎, ant. 30.
Blacus paganus Hal.  ♂︎, ant. 20.
Opius xanthogaster  ♀︎: not mtd.
Phaenocarpa tabida,  ♀︎, ant. 21. 
Aspilota  2♂︎♂︎: not kept.
Dacnusa aphanta  6♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎ & no other species of group } not mtd. 
Proctos 3: 1 Belytid only mtd. = Cinctus cf. iridipennis ♀︎?
Chalcids  7: non mtd.
Cynipids  4: none mtd.
Hemipteron  4: 1 mtd. = 
[NB Mostly given to Graham!