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24.7.54 (5) cont.  Lawers, Glen, MP., cont.

Aspilota 5 = A. atra? small ♂︎, ant. 26. 
A. sp.n?  2♀︎♀︎, ant. 17. Near divisa S. & G. but terebra shorter: also smaller, &c!
A. apiculata miki,  ♂︎, ant. 24, ♀︎, ant. 19: agrees with type ♀︎ from Brockagh, KD. (2) 29.8.48. 
Dacnusa areolaris group 21: not mtd. 
D. (R.) confinis?  dark, large, ♀︎, ant. 24.
D. adducta 3, not mtd. 
D. melanocera 1, not mtd. 
D. aphanta 3. 1♂︎ mtd. ant. 26
D. elegantula 2♀︎♀︎, ant. 24. ant. 26 & "broken" } 
D. avesta? ♀︎, ant. 31.
Praon sp. 3: not mtd. 
Aphidius crepidis  ♀︎, ant. 13 & 3 others: none mtd.
Proctos 16: 2 Belytids only mtd. =
Chalcids 8, including 1♀︎ Megastigmus same as taken at Taymouth on 19.7.54(3). = M. pictus ♀︎: see p.181 antea.
Cynipids 2.

25th July 1954. 

The best day of the holiday so far & with no falling glass (Sunday).  Set off alone at 11 AM. & went round W. side of Meallower & then straight N. up to & past the Juncus trifidus ground to the crag above, where had lunch at 1.10, but failed once more to re-discover my patch of Azalea procumbens.  After lunch went across ridge & into N. corrie to look for more Sagina nivalis & then up to summit to meet Marcus Graham, his wife Nora, & her mother Mrs Schapens, at 3 PM. 

Came to the conclusion that the plants seen on 23rd were only young plants of Arenaria sedoides in fruit & not Sagina nivalis.  Left summit at 3.10 & after


25.7.54, cont.  Ben Lawers, cont.

passing & looking at my supposed Sax. [[strikethrough]] scularus [[/strikethrough]] - only cernua (shade form) A.W.S. 1963 - & Sax. cernua I went down the "cernau" gully & across the corrie to the big cliff, had tea at 4.15 & found Gentiana in bud & almost out - quite out on return to hotel owing to very hot sun on my back all the way home.  Also saw Arenaria rubella near top of gully & again on bare rock below big cliff (with Sedum villosum) 

Left W. corrie at 5.10 & home in hotel at 6.35 PM. 

After 2 P.M. very warm & entirely sunny - very hot sun.