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[[underline]]COPIE [[/underline]]

Mrs. George Adams DEWEY                           
32 East 57th Street
NEW YORK 22.  N.Y.
Eldorado 5 - 4740 


December 3, 1962

Seligmann & Cie
23 Place Vendôme
Paris, France

ATT:  Mr. H. Seligmann

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

De la Rancheraye forwarded my shipment, including the mirror and armchair which I purchased from you and which arrived approximately November 5th.

The chair was sent to my cabinetmaker to have the back cut down as we discussed and to be reupholstered. In stripping the chair, we found,much to my distress, that there was no one piece of old wood in the entire chair and that the machine marks were very evident on the inside surface of the apron.

It was so impossible for me to believe that I called in two experts and they went over the chair, advising me that it was made not over 60 years ago.

Is it possible that the man you spoke of, who buys in partnership with you at times, misrepresented the age of the chair and that you were not aware or it ? I feel sure that you would not intentionally misrepresent any piece of furniture which you sold.

I am deeply disappointed, as I was so excited about these new acquisitions.

I know that your firm will want to do the right thing and I am most anxious to receive your reply.

[[vertical in upper left margin]] Sincerely, Mrs George Adams Dewey. [[/vertical in upper left margin]]