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[[two checkmarks]] HEINEMAN, [[handwritten: Rudolf, Hotel Ritz Tower, Park Ave 8 57th St. [checkmark] ]]

[[two checkmarks]] HIRSCHLAND, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. 25 East 86 [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HIRSCHLAND, Mr. and Mrs. George S. 151 Central Park West [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HIRSCHLAND, Dr. F.H. Kenilworth Road, Harrison, N.Y. [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HUGO, GALLERY, Mr. Iolas, 26 East 55 [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HOPE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Department of Fine Arts, Indiana Univ. Bloomington, Indiana [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HATFIELD, Mr. Dalzell [[handwritten: Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles [checkmark] ]]

[[two checkmarks]] HELFT, M. Jacques [[strikethrough]] Guido 1633, Buenos Aires, Argentina [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HOROWITZ, Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir, 14 E 94 [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HENDY, Mr. Philip, The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London W.C. 2 [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HENDRIE, Miss Marion, Compton Road, Wyoming, Cincinnati, Ohio [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HIRSCH, Dr. Jakob, Hotel Dorset, 30 West 54th. St. [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HUYGHE, M. Rene, Conservateur en Chef des Peintures, Palais du Louvre, Paris [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HASWELL, Mr. Anthony, 525 Mayfield Road, Dayton, Ohio [[checkmark over question-mark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HUISMAN, M. Georges, 1 rue de la Muette, Paris

[[two checkmarks]] [[strikethrough]] HORTER, Mrs. Earl, 310 West Hortter St. Philadelphia, Pa. [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HIGGINS, Mr. John W.,The John Woodman Higgins Armory, 100 Barber Ave. Worcester, Mass. [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HIGGINS, Mr. Milton P., 525 Salisbury St. Worcester, Mass. [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HIGGINS, Mr. Carter, 46 Westwood Drive, Worcester, Mass. [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HARRISON, Mrs. Robert, Broadwell Farm, Mount Carmel Road, Cincinnati, Ohio [[checkmark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HOLMQUIST, Mrs. G.F., 740 Park Ave. [[checkmark over question-mark]]

[[two checkmarks]] HANNIS, Mr. Gerald, 4625 No. 10th. St. Philadelphia, Pa. [[checkmark over question-mark]]
