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^[[two check marks]] KNOWLTON, Mrs. Maude B. Currier Gallery of Art, 192 Orange St. Manchester, N.H. ^[[check mark]]

^[[two check marks]] KUH, Miss Katherine, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois ^[[check mark]]
(Michigan Ave. at Adams)


^[[2 in a circle]]


^[[two check marks]] LEVY, Mr. Gaston, [[strikethrough]]LOVE[[/strikethrough]] ^[[16 W. 56 [[check mark]] ]]


^[[two check marks]] LEICESTER GALLERY, Leicester Sq. London, Eng. ^[[check mark]]

^[[two check marks]] LATHROP, Mr. Churchill P. Hanover, N.H. ^[[Art Gallery & Library - Dartmouth Coll.]] ^[[checkmark]]

^[[two check marks]] LUDGIN, Mr. Earle, 221 No. La Salle St. Chicago, Ill. ^[[check mark over question mark]]

^[[two check marks]] LAURENS, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, 3400 Duncan, Cincinnati, Ohio ^[[check mark over question mark]]

^[[two check marks]] LAUCK, Mr. Gerald M. "La Chaumiere" The Lawrenceville Road. Princeton, N.J. ^[[question mark check mark]]

^[[two check marks]] LICHATCHEFF, Mr. Paul, "Old Paris", 71 East 57 ^[[check mark]]

^[[two check marks]] LOEVENICH, Mr. Karl, 157-50 12th. Road, Beechhurst, L.I. ^[[check mark]]

^[[two check marks]] LOEB, [[strikethrough]]Mr[[/strikethrough]. and Mrs. Arthur, Warwick, Apts. 1701 Locust St. Philadelphia ^[[check mark over question mark]]

^[[two check marks]] LEVYNE, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney, Naylor Lane, Pickesville 8, Maryland ^[[check mark over question mark]]

^[[two check marks]] LYNES, Mrs. J. Russell, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ^[[check mark over question mark]]

^[[number 10 in a circle]] 