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Francois Gerard - 2 
October 27, 1947

Here are the prices of the various items interesting Doré:

Boldini        $125.--
Bourdichon     $125.--
Carmontel      $800.--
Gustave Doré (the pair) $ 75.--
Primatice      $200.--
Degas          $800.--
Vuillard       $800.--
  "            $600.--

^[[Prière faire encadrer les Degas et Carmontelle dans leur cadres, qui sont placés tout contre les dessins.]]

This makes a total of $3525.-, 20% of which is $705.-, Please say to Doré that we suggest to him that for a first business we make a difference of slightly more than 20%, that is, that we make him a difference of $750.-.  Tell him that we hope that he is going to accept that, that we are very glad to know him and that other business will follow which might be at that time more profitable to all of us.  I am naturally very anxious to know whether you will be able to conclude such a deal. 

^[[Ceci ne constitue pas un ultimatum. Sois souple et, s'il le faut absolument, passe S.T.P. sous ses fourches caudines.]]

With all my best, ^[[love to you and Françoise from us both]]


Mr. François Gerard Seligmann
23 Place Vendome
Paris, France

Note to Peck: My dear friend,  Looking over the lists of items which had been [[strikethrough]]written[[/strikethrough]] handed over to Bedel years ago, I notice that the oval small table with marble top #48 is missing.  If you find it when it is too late to join it to the pendule, put it aside for next year.  This table has a gallery in bronze, plus a ^[[gallette d'entre jambe]] and a marquetry, if I recall correctly, with oeillets.

^[[Please put a claim for this table.
I am expecting the list of items you are going to send over in order to take the insurance.]]

^[[ [[underlined]]P.S.[[/underlined]] to [[underlined]]F.G.[[/underlined]] : en dernière heure il a été décidé entre Germain et Jacqueline [[strikethrough]]que tu allais[[/strikethrough]] de te demander d'envoyer les livres de Germain ici: comme elle suppose que tu ne la connais pas et pour faire une quote mal taillée, envoie la moitié des livres [[strikethrough]]de Jacqueline[[/strikethrough]] tout de suite, l'autre moitié devant partir avec les Frags et Cranach. T.S.T.P.]]


Transcription Notes:
At the very bottom of the page, for those who would wonder, T.S.T.P. = "Tourne S'il Te Plait" = "turn if you please", meaning "Please turn over to continue reading".