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Mr. François Gerard and Mr. Peck - 2

October 16, 1947

the gangplank with a certain amount of disorder and from that number one had to find ones luggage which was scattered amongst many others. All is well that ends well and we are back home and it is very nice, but I canny say otherwise, that I miss you and that it was damn nice to be with you.

Thank you for what you are going to do, and with best love to François and Françoise, and with all friendliness to Peck and wife,

Mr. François Gerard Seligmann
Mr. Arthur Peck
23 Place Vendome
Paris, France

P.S. We have deposited in one of the plates in front of the window in the main drawing room of Rue de Constantine two pink embroidered match boxes. Will you be good enough to put them with next year's demenagement.

P.S for Peck: I am working on the certificate of domicile and hope that you will have it by the end of this coming week.