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TO;     Mr. Germain Seligman

FROM:   Mr. Georges E. Seligmann

February 25, 1946

[[horizontal line]]

RE:   Lee Simonson
411 East 50th Street    ELdorado 5-2123

Mr. Simonson publishes a book relative to the rise of prices of the 19th century French paintings.  For that reason he wanted to know the price we sold the RENOIR in Boston.  He wasn't surprised that it was not our secret.

February 27, 1946

RE:   [[underline]] GOETZ [[\underline]]  

Goetz tells me that Kohn has no interest whatsoever and besides is not serious.  Kohn bought his portrait by TINTORETTO for $15,000. and afterwards called the deal off.  Goetz told me that his painting had been restored again and was superb.  He is again under the necessity of selling a painting and would love to sell his TINTORETTO for less than $15,000. to a dealer.

RE:   [[underline]] CAPTAIN JEFFRIES [[\underline]] 

Captain Jeffries of 40 West 55th Street is leaving incessantly for England where he lives.  He is the one that Henry Clifford told me to call.  He came in this morning; fell definitely in love with the two JUAN GRIS, $1900, $4500.  Told me to call A.A. (Bobby) Mitchell who is interested in SEURAT but mainly in small drawings of the 18th century, so I wired you accordingly.

Re:  [[underline]] STOR^[[A]] [[\underline]] 

^[[allez le voir]]

Storer came in and told me that he had received Baron Cassell's visit.  He didn't mention the Chasse and he was very much interested to check some statements made by the Baron in reference to the four Roccatagliata sconces I sold years ago;  Storer having two others of about the same dimensions as these.  Storer told me I should show the pair of candelabras to the Baron.  Let us talk the matter over.

March 2, 1946

RE:   [[underline]] MR. ALFRED SCHWABACHER [[\underline]]

I paid a visit to Mr. Alfred Schwabacher, a friend of a friend of mine rediscovered in Saratoga.  He came to the office four or five years ago with a certain Mr. Meyer and lost his friendship as a consequence of that visit because Mr. Meyer thought that Mr. Schwabacher was getting a commission from us on the painting that had interested Mr. Meyer very much; that is the MANET.  Since then the gentlemen have not reconciled; that Mr. Schwacher in 1901 was at the wedding part of Arnold and Georgette, etc.  I saw all his paintings and the conversation developed, he told me that he would try to put us in contact with a friend of his regarding some PICASSOs and BRAQUEs ^[[which seemed of the highest interest]] that his friend has the idea to exchange against impressionists.