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January 19, 1946

Dear Gerard:

First business:  Would it be possible for you to send us regularly catalogs of the interesting exhibitions, sales, etc., that go on, giving your comments and prices with each?  The firm here would gladly reimburse your expenses should it be agreeable to you.  On the other hand, we would love you to keep us posted as much as possible about what is going on, what you hear has been sold, what is for sale, etc., and as I asked you in my last letter, keep us posted on the trend of prices.

I had lunch several times with Geffroy.  The last time Edna joined us and she liked him very much.  This morning we spoke together again, and I am sending him just now a parcel that he is kind enough to take along for you.  There is in it an electrical water-heating gadget that Jacqueline sends you.  The rest is sent by Mother to you and Francoise, namely:  a lady's small blue coat with red lining, a lady's pink scarf, white gloves, a pair of lady's velvet shoes, and four men's collars.  Let me know how they fit.

I sent you a wire yesterday to thank you for you most effective intervention [[strikethrough]]and[[/strikethrough]]re: the papers for the Consulate in connection with Edna's nationality.  When we went for the last time bringing (and I hope you will enjoy it) a birth certificate which was refused because it was not a photostatic copy but a printed and written copy. [[strikethrough]]on a paper of the State Department which our officials required.  However,[[/strikethrough]] they said that they would manage to take the necessary steps in any case, and find a way out in case the State Department would not send us the required papers because of some technicality.  I suppose that I can thank you for their helpfulness.

While I was cabling, it occurred to me that maybe I needed the quotations and listings of French securities and the securities listed on the Paris Stock Exchange that Mother and myself possess at Jordaan.  I also had the glorious idea that you ask Jordaan to wire us directly.  Thank you beforehand.  When I ask you something I am sure that it is done; while if I asked Jordaan God knows if they wouldn't stall it for a while; [[strikethrough]]and[[/strikethrough]] my idea is to have these datas for the capital tax report in France.
