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I was the day before yesterday at Jacqueline's for a delightful bridge party.  Jacqueline, Edmee, Edna and a guy played bridge while I rested and slept over an hour and one-half.  I repeat - the best bridge party in my life.  Nobody barked at me, and when I left I felt no contempt for myself because of my poor bridge ability.

I remind you that we would be extremely thankful to you if you could discover for ^[[this business]] [[strikethrough]]us[[/strikethrough]] a living painter who would have [[strikethrough]]had[[/strikethrough]] enough originality.  We are in very bad need of such.  Try and find it and send photographs.  ^[[Thank you]]  

Having spoken to an international lawyer, I got the advice of having my report for the capital tax in France made in Paris by a specialist.  For that reason I am sending you herein papers that I hope will enable a man like Thuot to fill forms which are not available in the States.  Please look [[strikethrough]]them[[/strikethrough]] ^[[*the papers]] over beforehand and make any corrections that you may find to be necessary:  ^[[some items might have disappeared or .....]]

I am sending you herewith two powers of attorney, one for me and one for Mother, which will enable you to sign Thuot's reports.

In the meanwhile, I want to thank you very much for your letter of January 11 which I received today. ^[[*January 21]]  It makes me a little sick to hear about the purchase of that watercolor by Daumier during the war.  I hope that you will [[strikethrough]]seek out[[/strikethrough]] ^[[succeed with]] André Hirsch whom I didn't see when he was in the city.  I am wondering if a direct attack on the Esnault Pelletrie would not be successful under the circumstances.

I am afraid that the Boudin for 400,000 francs, equalling roughly $3,300., which is not a beach scene is a little too expensive.  If it is possible, send me a photograph; _I am expecting with the greatest anticipation the photographs that you will send us.  I am extremely keen on starting something with you.  I have the feeling that nowadays prices are still higher in Paris than in New York.  Now in a few hours there [[strikethrough]]is[[/strikethrough]] ^[[will be]] a sale at Parke-Bernet (the biggest salesrooms in New York) which will show us how much the prices have gone up.

Thank you for your advice concerning the Frigidaire. ^[[how do you understand that it happened that Cesar gave it to Paul?]]

^[[With my best,]]