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[[circled]] 15 [[/circled]]
[[circled]] 15 [[/circled]]

Ceph. June 11, 1971, XII

vely stronger than in DM.  "Pastel flushing" must be sexual (only [[male symbol]]?).

COMMENT: These squid seem to ignore all fishes, even small ones, except for certain potential prey.  And most fishes ignore them reciprocally.

June 12, 1971
San Blas

Starting out work off island of Niatupo (Devil's Island), one of the Lemon Cays.  Weather is cloudy.  The water is remarkably clear.  Get into water ca. 8:00 am.  Continue off and on until 10:00 am.

Come across group of 17 squid (usual [[underlined]] Sepioteuthis [[/underlined]] type) almost immediately.  In 8 - 9 ft of water.  Over turtle grass.  Near edge of coral reef.  Group includes approximately 6 large, 11 medium.  [[underlined]] Large inds. seem to be in pairs [[/underlined]]  Pairs tend to be on outskirts of group slightly apart from the main mass.  Sometimes all the pairs are on one side of the group.  More often scattered along several sides.  The 2 inds. of a pair usually stick close to one another

Inds. of the main mass tend to string out in lines, just like the groups seen yesterday.

All the (medium) inds. of the main mass are in ORD.  So are some of the large inds, some of the time (see also below).  Some inds. in ORD have Y and/or WS.  Some also do brief P's from time to time.  Can't tell if these are