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[[circled]] 16 [[/circled]]
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Ceph., June 12, 1971, II.

ly or directed toward me or toward other members of the school.

Then see a "sub-group" of 6 more large about 20 ft away.

Follow 2 pairs swimming on parallel course.  All inds. swim normally most of the time.  Then there are a few bursts of swimming with exaggerated fin waving ("Flutter").  Then one individual turns light, iridescent ("Pastel") along one [[underlined]] longitudinal half [[/underlined]] of body!  Comme ça:

[[image - drawing of 4 squid; 3 are all dark and 1 is half dark, half light]]

The "eye ridge" of the Pastel side of the body is very conspicuously silvery iridescent.

This display lasts for only a few seconds.  Then the 2 pairs gradually diverge.

A barracuda appears and everything darts away.

See what must be largely same group same area approximately 15 mins. later But now it includes at least [[underlined]] 36 inds. [[/underlined]]!  At least 6 smalls as well as the mediums and large inds.

General organization more or less as before.  Smalls