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[[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]
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Ceph., June 12, 1971, III

in their own sub-group.  Large usually in pairs around outskirts.  All smalls and mediums in ORD.  Rather dark.  Very little Y or WS.  Some apparently hostile encounters within medium and small sub-groups.  See both P and E (not very extreme) preceding attack int. movs.  (sudden forward dashes toward an opponent).  None of the attack int. movs. leads to actual biting or striking.

Pairs of larges are swimming around rather calmly.  Only occasional Fluttering.  The inds. are usually or generally rather pale - presumably as an int. mov. of Pastel Swept by occasional, almost always partial, flushes of more exaggerated Pastel.  The partial is extremely variable.  Sometimes (as above) it is one side of the body which turns light.  Sometimes it is the arms and tentacles.  Most frequently it is a localized area at the rear tip of the body, a sort of "rear light" ("RL").  RL is frequently assumed, and long continued by both members of a pair.  Some inds. who have shown unilateral or weak general lightening of the body continue to have comparatively broad and conspicuous lateral median stripes after the rest of the body has returned to ORD.  I do not think that I can distinguish this from "conventional" WS.  But it may not have the same social significance.

In all pairs, one ind. usually leads while the other usually follows.  In at least 2 pairs, the following ind. is [[underlined]] larger [[/underlined]] than the followed.  (Viz. contrast with May observation.  What does this suggest about [[male symbol]] - [[female symbol]] roles?)

Some inds. of some pairs certainly stick together