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[[circled]] 19 [[/circled]]
[[circled]] 19 [[/circled]]

Ceph., June 12, 1971, V.

into ORD (more or less) and follows the second who is still in RL.

See one medium in extreme Curl.  In ORD.  No WS or Y.  Doesn't lead to anything

[[image - drawing of squid in curl position]]

The part of the eyeball which is covered with skin is conspicuous Light colored.  Looks like part of the exposed eyeball.  The funnel also is quite large.  But light [[underlined]] and [[/underlined]] inconspicuous.

One large ind. behaves similarly, with a similar absence of visible result.

Then one medium does P with WS.  Again no results.

Get a good view of feeding behavior  A moderately large school of very small minnows appears.  Swimming near surface of water.  Well above the squid which are 6 - 10 ft down.  Squid tend to retreat in front of school of minnows as the latter advances.  But every once in a while a small or medium squid will dart forward and upward and seize a minnow.  Usually [[underlined]] paling just [[/underlined]] as it shoots its tentacles.  This behavior would seem to confirm the suggestion made yesterday that these squid tend to wait for their food to come to them rather than relentlessly hunting it down.  And it also suggests that the PH with