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Ceph., June 12, 1971, VII


Observe more feeding. Twice, mediums do extreme DF before seizing prey.

[[Image - hand-drawn profile view of squid]] 

Once, a medium does Curl before seizing prey. With little or no color change except paling at moment of impact. Were these DF's and the Curl directed toward me? I rather think so.

(Note. DF may be an exaggeration of a normal "pre-seizure int. mov. Upper pair of arms sometimes lifted slightly above and apart from others before apparently unritualized attack upon prey.)

One large ind. turns almost completely white, retaining only a black blotch toward the front of the mantle  

see below
[[Image - hand-drawn front view of squid with black blotch on mantle, labeled: "Pie" see below]]
Swims near other larges in normal way. Apparently provokes Spread, with Z on arms and PH-type pattern on back, by one of the inds. it passes.

Later, one member of a pair turns whitish all over. Apparently provokes Spread, with Z on arms and PH-type pattern on back, by its partner.

COMMENT: Obviously I am having trouble in distinguishing some of the color patterns. Two major difficulties. (1) Pale-Pastel (2) Z-PH

Transcription Notes:
"Pie" refers to becoming "Pied", as explained on the following page.