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Ceph., June 12, 1971, VIII

(1) I really don't know if Pale (and WS) and Pastel are closely related or not. Possibly [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] the high intensity patterns of the species involve lightening -- simply to provide contrast with the generally rather dark ORD. Compare vocalization vs. silence in birds.

(2) I am no longer sure that these animals can show real Z on back. Perhaps they cannot become more mottled than PH on the back. If so, perhaps one should distinguish only 2 displays of this type. A. "True" PH. Mottling on back only without Spread or conspicuous change in color or pattern of arms and tentacles. B. "Complex" Z. Spread with Z on arms and tentacles, and PH-type mottling on back.

NOTE: Several times today, medium inds. swam directly below me in the course of our mutual maneuvering In ORD with Y and WS. And also, when they were closest, DM. DM usually symmetrical.

Starting observations again slightly before 1:00 pm. Weather now sunny. Go to same place as this morning. Group still there. Now includes at least [[underlined]] 42 [[/underlined]] individuals. All categories. Small, medium, large. Plus a considerable no. of intermediates. (But intermediates are still less abundant than "typical" categories.)

When we first arrive, there are many "courting parties" of large inds. One is started by a member of a pair suddenly turning Pastel while swimming after its partner. The latter responds by becoming "pied" ("Pie"). Largely silver with a few dark markings.