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C. De Hauke

Hotel Blackstone
50 East 58th Street
New York, N. Y.
March 12, 1958

My dear Germain:

I must apologize for the long delay in replying to your letters concerning your conversation with Mrs. Halpert about a water color by Lautrec which was acquired by her 30 years ago from De Hauke & Company. 

From every angle I consider it my duty to take this matter at heart, with you, to assist Mrs. Halpert the best way I can. 

Yet, you do not ignore the fact that De Hauke & Company, which no longer exists, was at the time a Corporation financed by you and in which I was only a minority stockholder and an employee, thus any responsibility should be considered from that angle.

Fortunately the matter of the Lautrec water color is very simple and it was acquired by the Corporation from Reid & Lefevre & Co., in London with a full pedigree. At the time of the sale to Mrs. Halpert by De Hauke & Co. the pedigree was given to Mrs. Halpert and, in turn I believe Mrs. Halpert gave it to her customer. 

I am enclosing hereeith photograph of that water color, at the back of which Mrs. G. Dortu, who is the author of the forthcoming complete catalogue of the works of Lautrec, has ascertained that this water color would be mentioned in the catalogue, adding also some useful information concerning that work. 

May I ask you to have a photostat made of this document and I suggest that you submit to Mrs. Halpert either the photostat or the original photograph. I would also like to have either the original photograph or a photostat sent to me.

I am glad to have been able to clear up this matter and

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