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Office Supt Cent'l Dist.
Bu. R F & A L Raleigh N.C.


August 29, 1866,

Respectfully returned to Col. C. A. Cilley A. A. G. with the information that the Colored Apprentice Boy "Horace" has been arrested and delivered to Major T. F. P. Crandon as directed by Endorsement hereon of Asst. Coms'r dated August 20th 1866.

Attention is respectfully invited to Enclosed receipt for the Boy -

A. G. Bready
Bvt. Col. and Supt.

E.B. pg. 196

Ret'd Hd Qrs Asst Comr Aug. 20th 1866

Transcription Notes:
Looked up "attention is respectfully" on Google to find possible next word, and "invited" is the best fit.