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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. Beaufort
Beaufort N.C. February 2nd 1866.

Captain F.A. Seely
Supt. E. Dist. N.C. Bu.R.F.&A.L.


I have the honor to forward a copy of a letter, which I received from Bvt. Maj. Geo. W. Chandler C.S. Morehead City N.C. (which please find enclosed) relative to the Colored man arrested at Morehead City N.C. on the 20th ultimo, and on which I had the honor to report, on the 31st. I took no action in the case, in obedience to the notice given to me by 1st Lieut. Harlon E. Macaray 28th Regt. Mich. Vols. Comdg. post at Morehead City, per enclosed copy.

As Bvt. Maj. Chandler's note states that Lt. Macaray has received no instructions from Dept. Hd. Qrs. for the Civil Authorities, to adjudicate this matter, and as I understand par.  "7" Cir." 5." War Dept. Bu.R.F.&A.L. series 1865. by order of his Excellency the President, directs such cases to be adjudicated by the officers of the Bureau.  If I am wrong in my interpretation of that Circular please instruct