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Monthly Return of Property pertaining to the Freedmens Bureau at Plymouth N.C. for the month ending on the 30th day of April 1866


Date |  | Office Table No| Office Chair No | Letter Paper Qrs | Envelopes No | 

April 13th | Received by Purchase |  | 1 | 4 | 5.00 | 

April 30th | Received by Purchase | 1 |   |   |   |

Total to be accounted for | 1 | 1 | 4 | 5.00 |

April 30th | Expended |  |  | 4 | 50 |

Total issued & expended |  |  | 4 | 50 |

Remaining on hand | 1 | 1 |  | 450 |

I certify that the foregoing return exhibits a true and correct statement of all the property which has come into my hands on account of the Freedmens Bureau during the month ending on the 30th of April 1866

C.W. Dodge
2nd Lt. V.R.C. & Asst. Supt. Bureau of R.F & A.L.