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General Orders, No. 32.

Army and Dist. of N Carolina,
New Berne, N.C. March 11, 1864.
I. Mainly through the philanthropy of Northern hearts, simple and liberal means have been provided for the moral and religious training of the colored children of North Carolina. No portion of this bounty has been diverted for the education of the poor white children, and thousands are within the lines growing up in vice and ignorance. Unless they are properly instructed, the American people have no guarantee that they will not in the future attempt to revolutionize the government and destroy its noble institutions. History will record that the lack of that knowledge which results from a general system of education was one of the leading causes of the existing revolution.
II. It is ordered that Free Schools be organized at once in New Berne, under such female teachers as may from time to time be authorized. The Provost Marshal will procure suitable rooms. The expenditures will be paid from the Civil Fund, on orders from these Head Quarters.
III. Rev. J. Hill Rouse, Hospital Chaplain, Prof. W.H Doherty and Surgeon D.W. Ha d Medical Director, are appointed as Inspectors of Schools, without compensation. They will report at least monthly upon their condition, making such recommendations as will promote the objects in view.
IV. At an early day schools will be opened in Washington, Beaufort, and perhaps other places.
By command of Major General PECK:
Benj. B. Foster,
Assistant Adjutant General.
J.W. DENNY, Captain and Chief Provost Marshal.
mar 16