Viewing page 39 of 114

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 74 [[/preprinted]]
November 22, 1895   T Cass.

Plate I 81 taken Nov. 5, 1889
b|4.7|5.0 Comparison stars marked on this plate
e|[[strikethrough]] 6.1|5.7 [[/strikethrough]] 5.7|6.1
g|   |7. [[strikethrough]] 9 [[strikethrough]] 7
h|   |7.9
l'|   |8.8
m|   |8.7
n|   |8.8
o|   |9.3
q|   |9.3
r|   |9.4
s|   |9.7
t|   |n.s.
Dec. 2, '95 v|   |8.8

" g'|   |8.0
" n'|   |8.7
" o'|   |7.0
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 75 [[/preprinted]]
December 2, 1895.

Plate I 2053 taken Oct. 22, 1890

a, b, c, too imperfect to measure
d|6.8|7.1  [[image of star field labelled]]
g|   |7.9
h|   |7.8
k|   |8.7
l'|   |8.7
m|   |8.7
n|   |8.6
omit o'|   |9.8
q|   |just seen
r|   |  "   "
s'|   |n.s.
v|   |7.7

g'|   |[[strikethrough]] 7.7 [[/strikethrough]] 8.2
n'|   |9.0
o|   |9.3
The star p' was added by Mr. Wendell Jan. 15, 1896. Star l' takes place of his star l, which is double. Stars g', n', o' were added by myself.
  Note May 9, 1896

Comparison stars for T Cassiopeiae are marked on Plate I 81 and C 6367

[[underline]] Remark Oct. 21, 1918. [[/underline]] Star w as marked above is in that same position marked on identification charts, but the position does not agree with that published in H.A. 37 and copied H.A. 84 No.1. Above chart assumed to have been copied from O.C. Wendell's original chart.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Typo in second line, should be: Superseded