Viewing page 9 of 114

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 14 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] Superseded [[/underline]]
[[underline]] October 29, 1895 [[/underline]]

Estimate of brightness of R Cassiopeiae.
e^h f = g [[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]] k^m l [[strikethrough]]m[[/strikethrough]] n^n' o q = r^r' s p t u w y x z alpha
Comparison stars of O.C. Wendell arranged in order of photographic brightness

Plate B 1952  taken
8.69 n 3 v 8.99 986 = 9.42 [[underline]].43[[/underline]] 44
9.86 v 20 10.06

Plate B 1975  taken Dec. 1, 1887
8.69 n 4 V 9.09 9.96 = 9.52 [[underline]].43[[/underline]] 44
9.96 V 1 0 10.06
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 15 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] Superseded [[/underline]]

October 30, 1895

Plate I 118  taken Nov. 14, 1889
V 1 E
c 5 V 
[[margin]]Image of v circular c + E very much elongated. d not on this plate[[/margin]]

Plate I 423  taken Jan. 3, 1890
v o g 7.07 v = 7.07

Plate I 1529  taken July 7, 1890
v o q 10.16  v = 10.16
l = .1
p n. s.

Plate I 1588  taken Aug. 4, 1890
10.06 0 1 v 10.16 10.06 = 10.11 .05 [[underlined]].05[[/underlined]]
10.06 v i q 10.16

Plate I 1670  taken Aug. 24, 1890
[[strikethrough]]10.16 q 4 v 10.56[/strikethrough]] v = 10.28
v o r 10.28
s n. s.

Plate I 1805  taken Sept. 5, 1890
v n. s v<[[strikethrough]]10.80[[/strikethrough]] 11.00
10.90 s = .1
t n. s.

Plate I 1911  taken Sept. 30, 1890
10.85 [[p?]] i v 10.95 10.78 = 10.86 .09 [[underline]].08[[/underline]]
10.78 v 4 t 11.18
[[end page]]