Viewing page 11 of 114

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 18 [[/preprinted]]
October 30, 1895

Plate I 4366 taken Sept. 26, 1891
v n.s.   v<[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]9.19
8.69 n=.5
o n.s.

Plate I 4477 taken Oct. 8, 1891
v n.s.
s n.s.

Plate I 4478 taken Oct. 8, 1891
v n.s.  v < 11.[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]28
11.18  t = .1
u n.s.

Plate I 4495 taken Oct. 9, 1891
v n.s
s n.s.

Plate C 4057 taken Oct. 15, 1891.
v n.s. v<[[strikethrough]] 9.96 [[/strikethrough]] 10.16
10.06  o = .1
q n.s.

Plate I 4536 taken Oct. 16, 1891
.  v o t 11.18   v = 11.18
t = .1
u n.s
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 19 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] Suspersded [[/underline]]

October 30, 1895
Plate I 4605 taken Oct. 21, 1891
v n.s.
s n.s.

Plate C 4140 taken Nov. 3, 1891
10.85 p 2 v 11.05 11.08 = 11.06 [[underline]] .01 [[/underline]] .02
11.08 v 1 t 11.18

Plate I 4719 taken Nov. 4, 1891
10.85 p 2 v 11.05 11.08 = 11.06 [[underline]] .01 [[/underline]] .02
11.08 v 1 t 11.18

Plate I 4795 taken Nov. 19, 1891
10.85 p 1 v 10.95 10.88 = 10.92 .03 [[underline]] .04 [[/underline]] 
10.88 v 3 t 11.18

Plate I 5002 taken Dec. 8, 1891
r 4 v
v 1 r'

Plate I 5258 taken Dec. 19, 1891
r 2 v
v 2 r'

Plate I 5279 taken Dec. 28, 1891
n' 2 v This n' is not the one adopted in the
v 2 0   second series of observations
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