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November 7, 1895

Plate I 2559  taken Dec. 22, 1898
[[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56 g' 4 v [[strikethrough]] 8.89 9.62 [[/strikethrough]] 9.96 [[strikethrough]] 9.56 [[/strikethrough]] 9.68 = [[strikethrough]] 9.59 [[/strikethrough]] 9.82 [[strikethrough]] .03 .03 [[/strikethrough]] .14 .14
[[strikethrough]] 9.56 [[/strikethrough]] 9.68 v 1 n [[strikethrough]] 9.66 10.24 [[/strikethrough]] 9.78

Plate I 2589  taken Dec. 24, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 9.22 [[/strikethrough]] 9.56 g' 4 v [[strikethrough]] 9.62 [[/strikethrough]] 9.96 [[strikethrough]] 9.56 [[/strikethrough]] 9.68 = [[strikethrough]] 9.59 [[/strikethrough]] 9.82 [[strikethrough]] .03 .03 [[/strikethrough]] .14 .14
[[strikethrough]] 9.56 [[/strikethrough]] 9.68 v 1 n [[strikethrough]] 9.66 [[/strikethrough]] 9.78

Plate I 2597  taken Dec. 25, 1890
[[margin]] Images double and out of focus [[/margin]]
v o n [[strikethrough]] 9.66 [[/strikethrough]] 9.78

Plate I 2598  taken Dec. 25, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 9.66 [[/strikethrough]] 9.78 n 1 v [[strikethrough]] 9.76 [[/strikethrough]] 9.88 [[strikethrough]] 9.66 [[/strikethrough]] 9.84 = [[strikethrough]] 9.71 [[/strikethrough]] 9.86 [[strikethrough]] .05 .05 [[/strikethrough]] .02 .02
[[strikethrough]] 9.66 [[/strikethrough]] 9.84 v 4 n' [[strikethrough]] 10.04 [[/strikethrough]] 10.24

Plate I 2688  taken Dec. 31, 1890
[[strikethrough]] 9.66 [[/strikethrough]] 9.78 n 2 v [[strikethrough]] 9.86 [[/strikethrough]] 9.98 [[strikethrough]] 9.74 [[/strikethrough]] 9.94 = [[strikethrough]] 9.80 [[/strikethrough]] 9.96 [[strikethrough]] .06 .06 [[/strikethrough]] .02 .02
[[strikethrough]] 9.74 [[/strikethrough]] 9.94 v 3 n' [[strikethrough]] 10.04 [[/strikethrough]] 10.24

Plate I 2736  taken Jan. 8, 1891
[[strikethrough]] 9.66 [[/strikethrough]] 9.78 n 2 v [[strikethrough]] 9.86 [[/strikethrough]] 9.98 [[strikethrough]] 9.74 [[/strikethrough]] 9.94 = [[strikethrough]] 9.80 [[/strikethrough]] 9.96 [[strikethrough]] .06 .06 [[/strikethrough]] .02 .02
[[strikethrough]] 9.74 [[/strikethrough]] 9.94 v 3 n' [[strikethrough]] 10.04 [[/strikethrough]] 10.24

Plate I 2847  taken Jan. 16, 1891
[[strikethrough]] 10.04 [[/strikethrough]] 10.24 n' 1 v 10.14  10.00 = 10.07 .07 .07
10.00 v 4 o' 10.40

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[[preprinted]] 35 [[/preprinted]]

[[underline]] Superseded [[/underline]]

November 7, 1895

Plate C 3331  taken Jan. 16, 189 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 1
[[strikethrough]] 10.04 [[/strikethrough]] 10.24 n' 1 v 10.14 10.00 = 10.07 .07 .07
10.00 v 4 o' 10.40

Plate I 2900  taken Jan 24, 1891
[[strikethrough]] 10.04 [[/strikethrough]] 10.24 n' 3 v 10.34 10.20 = 10.27 .07 .07
10.20 v 2 o' 10.40

Plate I 2914  taken Jan 24, 1891
v 0 o' 10.40
o' = .1

Plate C 3357  taken Jan. 30, 1891
10.40 o' 1 v 10.50 10.38 = 10.44 .06 .06
10.38 v 5 q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]] 10.92

Plate C 3358  taken Jan. 30, 1891
[[margin]] Images double difficult to estimate]] [[/margin]]
10.40 o' 3 v 10.70 10.58 = 10.64 .06 .06
10.58 v 3 q [[strikethrough]] 10.58 [[/strikethrough]] 10.92

Plate C 3391  taken Feb. 4, 1891
10.40 o' 2 v 10.60 10.48 = 10.54 .06 .06
10.48 v 4 q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]] 10.92

Plate C 3390  taken Feb. 4, 1891
10.40 o' 2 v 10.60 10.48 = 10.54 .06 .06
10.48 v 4 q [[strikethrough]] 10.88 [[/strikethrough]] 10.92
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