Viewing page 68 of 116

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[[preprinted]] 132 [[/preprinted]]

[[underline]] February 28, 1896 [[/underline]]

Reduced Dec. 19, 1914

Estimates of the brightness of R Lyncis 
Plate B 1936 taken Nov. 29, 1889
a b c d e f g h l' [[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]] m k n o o' p q r s

[[margin]] Edge of plate [[/margin]]
v n.s.  v<11.86 
11.66 p = .2

Plate B 1959 taken Nov. 30, 1889
v n.s.  v < 12.32 ^[[14.52]]               
12.22 ^[[14.42]] s = .1

Plate I 597 taken Feb. 5, 1890
11.26 ^[[12.24]] o' ^[[=o2]] 5v 11.76 ^[[12.21]] 11.56 v = 11.66 .10 [[underline]] .10 [[/underline]]
11.56* v1p 11.66

Plate C 3350 taken Jan. 24, 1891
[[margin]] images extremely faint [[/margin]]

^[[14.42]] 12.22 s1v 12.32 ^[[14.52]] 11.94 ^[[14.24]] v = 12.13? .19 .19 ^[[14.38? 14 14]]

Plate C 3356 taken Jan. 26, 1891
v n.s. v < 10.64 ^[[11.21]]
10.54 ^[[11.11]] m = .1

Plate C 3364 taken Jan. 30, 1891
[[margin]] Images very faint [[/margin]]
11.98 ^[[13.73]] r ^[[= r']] 1v 12.08? ^[[13.83?]]
s n.s.
Plate C 3365 taken Jan. 30, 1891
[[margin]] Images clear [[/margin]]
v0r ^[[=r']] 11.98 ^[[13.73]]

Plate C 3372 taken Feb. 1, 1891
11.62 ^[[13.03]] q6v 12.22 ^[[13.68]] 11.88 ^[[13.63]] v = 12.05 .17 .17 ^[[13.63 00 00]]
11.88 ^[[13.63]] v1r ^[[=r]]' 11.98 ^[[13.73]]

Plate C 3373 taken Feb. 1, 1891
v n.s. v< 11.36 ^[[12.34]]
^[[12.24]] 11.26 o^[[=o^^2]] = .1 

* Star "p" suspected of variability, and rejected. Hence no measures made with this star are  employed.

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 133 [[/preprinted]]

Reduced Dec. 19, 1914 G.F.M.

February 28, 1896

Plate C 3376 taken Feb. 1, 189[[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 1
v n.s. v = 11.30 ^[[12.24]]
11.26 ^[[12.24]] o' ^[[= o [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] ]] < .1

Plate C 3377 taken Feb. 1, 189 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 1
v0r^[[=r']]? 11.98?  ^[[13.73?]]
(v and r < .1)

Plate C 3397 taken Feb 4, 189 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 1
11.62 ^[[13.03]] q4v 12.02 ^[[13.43]] 11.78 ^[[13.53]] v = 11.90 ^[[13.48]]  .12 ^[[05]] .12 ^[[05]]

Plate C 3398 taken Feb. 4, 189 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 1
^[[13.03]] 11.62 q4v ^[[13.43]] 12.02 11.78 ^[[13.53]] v = 11.90 .12 .12 ^[[13.48 .05 .05]]
11.78 ^[[13.53]] v2r 11.98 ^[[13.73]]

Plate C 3448 taken Feb. 11, 1891
*vop 11.66

Plate C 3449 taken Feb. 11, 1891
*vop 11.66

Plate C 3519 taken March 1, 1891
[[margin]] defect in film near o [[/margin]]
11.26 ^[[12.24]] o' ^[[ = o [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] ]] 4v 11.66 ^[[12.64]] 11.46 v = 11.56 .10 .1o
11.46 v2p 11.66

Plate C 3520 taken March 1, 1891
11.26 ^[[12.24]] o' ^[[=  [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] ]] 4v 11.66 ^[[12.64]] 11.46 v = 11.56 .10 .10
11.46* v2p 11.66

Plate C 3535 taken March 5, 1891
11.26 ^[[12.24]] o' ^[[ = o [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] ]] 4v 11.66 ^[[12.64]] 11.46 v = 11.56 .10 .10
11.46* v2p 11.66
* see note p. 132

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